22: Ideophobia

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Most mornings I snuck out of the house in the early hours to work on the plan with my two accomplices. At first Jakob wasn’t happy with working with Jamie because he didn’t trust him. I don’t blame him for that at all because I had the same instinct when I first discovered who he is. He soon warmed to the idea when he realised how successful our plan could be when working with one of my father’s rivals but he claimed that that doesn’t mean he had to like Jamie. It was difficult working with two guys who refused to get along, especially when I was the one who had to try to keep the peace.

     Jamie had selected a warehouse where I was going to be taken after the staged kidnapping. It was one far on the outskirts of town that my father didn’t even know about. This is also where I’d sneak out to so that I could meet with Jamie and Jakob for planning. At this stage we had almost everything figured out and now it was just a case of making sure everything was going to work out perfectly.

     On this particular morning we were going through the fight scene for the kidnapping one last time. Jamie had brought in three men that were going to attack me and then wrestle me into the back of a van, so they were also at the warehouse with us that morning.

     “Alright, go,” said Jamie from one side of the room.

     The biggest of the three, Derek, lunged at me. The first time he’d done this I couldn’t stop laughing. My idea of the kidnapping was almost beginning to sound like a bit of a cliché and Derek played his part so well. I laughed because it was all so brilliant and ridiculous all at the same time but it was going to be the perfect plot of revenge.

    I ducked under his arm and then avoided an attack from Charlie who had been right behind Derek.

     “Stop a second,” called Jamie.

     “What’s the problem?” snapped Jakob from the opposite side of the room. He can’t even bare standing beside Jamie. His behaviour made me want to laugh because I realised that he was acting a childish as I usually do. Perhaps that’s a sign that I’m growing up and moving on? That might make it a whole lot easier to leave this town once we’ve scammed my father.

     “I just wondered if this fighting scene is completely necessary.” He kept calm and composed, which I suppose just irritated Jakob even more. Much like me, Jakob dislikes it when people won’t respond negatively to his aggressive attitude. That’s another reason why we’re so compatible. We love to argue and fight. What a screwed up couple we made.

     “Of course this fight is necessary! We’ve been through this before!”

     “Guys, just shut up,” I yelled over their squabbling. They instantly composed themselves and snapped their attention to me. Although Jamie was the one with the means to make my plan work it was obvious that I was the one in charge. “This is taking place in the high street where there will be witnesses. The kidnapping needs to be as realistic as possible so that my father believes what the witnesses claim. He knows that I will put up a fight. If he hears that the kidnappers quickly grabbed me and threw me in the van he would know that something was wrong and that could jeopardise our whole plan. So stop arguing!”

     The boys both shut up and I continued to practice the kidnapping scene. We ran through it a few times and decided that it was working just fine.

     “Alright, we’re done for today.” I explained. “I need to get home before someone realises I’ve disappeared.”

     “I’ll give you a lift home,” volunteered Jakob as he took his car keys out of his pocket.

     “You two have split up, so you can hardly drive her home. I’ll take her,” said Jamie.

     These two are beyond frustrating. I couldn’t understand why they couldn’t just get along! It’s not like this alliance had to last for a long time. They could’ve acted civil for a few weeks and then we would have all parted ways, never having to see again. But no, they insist on acting like an old married couple in my presence. It’s driving me crazy.

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