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Hailey wasn't sure how he managed it, but Daniel once again had her spending all of Sunday with him just as they'd spent the previous day. Evening approached before she knew it. They had eaten lunch and dinner together and now they were slowly making their way back toward Ball Hall.

For a while, she'd completely forgotten about her plan to avoid him or why she'd made that decision, and she merely enjoyed his presence. But as they neared their dorm building, it all came rushing back. Not yet wanting to relinquish her time with him, she found herself moving closer until their shoulders bumped. He glanced at her.

"Want to come up to my room for a while?" he asked.

Hailey swallowed. No, she couldn't keep doing this... couldn't keep spending time with him. She'd already gone further than she ever should have.

But reading her pause for something else, Daniel added, "I'm sure my brother will be around to chaperone if you're worried about me getting fresh."

She paused. He thought she was leery of being alone with him? If only.

Unable to give up their second perfect day in a row, she nodded slowly and smiled. "Okay," she answered a bit shyly.

And so, she followed him up to the third floor.

As they approached his room, a chorus of male laughter floated out of the opened entrance. Frowning, Daniel stopped in his doorway and stared slack-jawed into his room. Curious, Hailey peeked around him and was surprised to discover half a dozen guys crowed around Connell, who was frowning as he played a video game.

"You get extra points if you jump that ramp there," one of the men suggested, pointing out the spot on the screen.

"I got it," Connell said, sticking his tongue between his teeth as he concentrated.

"Watch out," someone else cautioned. "You don't have a lot of life left. If you crash—"

"I got it!" Connell growled.

All the men fell silent, holding their breath as Connell preformed the move. But he must've crashed because an exploding sound filled the speakers and everyone groaned.

Connell tossed the controls down and noticed his brother and guest lingering in the doorway. Seeing Hailey, a big grin lit his face.

"Heidi!" He exclaimed in excitement, hopping from his bean bag and hurrying toward her. "It's about time you stopped by to see me. I was starting to feel unloved."

"Hey, Connell," she said, giving Daniel's brother a genuine smile and not even flinching when he called her Heidi. It was sad, but she was actually starting to get used to the label.

Connell nudged his brother aside so he could wiggle in next to her and throw an arm over her shoulder. "Hey, everyone," he called. "This is Heidi, the woman I'm going to steal from my brother."

Hailey bit her lip, realizing how many people were going to think her name was really Heidi now. But the group barely glanced her way because someone else had taken Connell's spot at the controls and was now trying to ramp the same incline where Connell had failed.

"You want something to drink?" he asked, pulling her further into the room.

"Uh..." was all she managed to get out before Daniel stepped forward and said, "We're not staying."

He took her arm and jerked her a little too possessively away from his brother.

Connell scowled. "But you just got here."

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