Chapter 11

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Hailey walked with a little more bounce in her step the next day.

It was an awakening to realize what kind of power she possessed. Before Daniel had come along, she'd had no idea. But seeing him completely at her mercy, willing to do anything she wanted just to please her, made her realize all sorts of things.

Not that Hailey ever intended to manipulate him with her new-found feminine wiles. Of course not. It was merely a nice surprise to discover she could. It made her feel secure, like maybe she was capable of accomplishing more than she'd ever realized before.

It was just the type of thing she'd ventured down to the Ooie-Pooie to discover. Daniel certainly didn't seem to mind either. He sought her out at lunch. As soon as he slipped into the empty seat across from her at the small table where she'd been sitting alone, he grinned and couldn't seem to do anything else but study her face.

Hailey was buttering a hot roll when she finally noticed. Wrinkling her brow, she sent him a funny look. "What?" she asked.

He shrugged and looked away self-consciously, lifting his fork to scoop up a pile of green beans from his lunch tray. "Nothing," he answered. "You just look different today."

Butter knife poised in one hand and a half-spread roll in the other, Hailey frowned. "Different how?" Then she glanced down to make sure no yellow globs had spilled onto her shirt.

"You're... glowing," he said, a little embarrassed to admit. Then he gave another uncomfortable shrug. "I don't know. You just look really good."

Lifting an amused eyebrow, Hailey pressed. "And I never have before?" she teased.

She knew what he meant but it was too much to resist some teasing. She had to bait him a little, make him blush even, if she could. It was the new Hailey in her coming out.

And, right on schedule, Daniel's cheeks turned red. He quickly looked up and opened his mouth, realizing he'd just gotten himself into trouble. "You always look good," he backtracked desperately. "I'm just saying, today you look... I don't know... better."

Then he shoved a forkful of green beans into his mouth as if he thought that might help him quit talking so he couldn't say anything else to bury himself deeper.

The old Hailey would've politely thanked him and gotten shy. But the new, playful Hailey wanted to flirt.

"Well.... that's just lust talking," she told him in a conversational, no-nonsense manner.

To drive him a little crazy, she licked a bit of melted butter off her roll before taking a dainty bite. Daniel's eyes traced the way her tongue darted out and he looked enthralled by her lips moving as she chewed.

When she was done, Hailey finally added, "You're just seeing me differently because you want me."

Daniel's gaze sprang to hers in surprise. But then a slow smile spread across his face. "Could be," he answered in a low voice that caused something in her stomach to stir to life.

Catching onto the game, he then picked up a glass of ice water and took a slow drink, keeping his eyes on hers as he swallowed. Remembering the last time she'd been up close and personal with him, she became entranced with watching the muscles in his throat work. He was so male and beautiful.

Hailey blinked a few times, returning to the present as Daniel set the cup down and sighed as if refreshed.

"So, what are you doing tonight?" he asked, looking a little smug because he was well aware of the fact that he affected her too.

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