Part 4(Em pov)

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As soon as we get under the bleaches completely I speak" OK. So tonight meet at the house, we will talk there. "

I knew we can't talk here we all did."What time Em you can't just say meet. Ugh. Like  you always do this. "Addie said. God, I can't stand here sometimes.

"Matt, explain to your sister so we can get on with life. OK Everyone get to class meet here at lunch. "I said and walked back to the school.

I walk up the starts to the doors. When the door swings open and hits me. Hell no, this did not just happen. Who ever did this is dead. When the door hit me I stumbled back. Getting my balance back I turn to the door.

"Hey jackass do you know who I am." I began to say but was cut off.

"Sorry" Said the boy who hit me. Damn he is hot Em what the fuck don't think that.

"Its whatever watch where your going." I finally got a full look at him. Was tall with dark brown hair, and beautiful hazel eyes. He was wearing a dark blue shirt, jeans, and shoes. Damn he would look so good in a gator jacket.

Damn I got to get these thoughts out of my head. Then he spoke up. "yeah, whatever."

He did not just say that.  "Who the hell do you think  you are talking to me like that." 

Before I speak KK interrupts me. (I didn't even see her walk up)." Umm, Hello I don't know who you are but I if I were you I would shut up cause that's Emily Treeman." Wow, that's my girl she always got my back.

JJ looked confused. "Wait you don't know who Em is do you." KK said after seeing his face.

"Yeah she is Emily Treeman and IM Justin Jonhson but call me JJ" Justin said. OK. I already don't like him.

"Excuse me, You really don't know who I am." He shook his head and I then I spoke again." Do you live under a rock. I am Emily Treeman the leader of the gators."

"Oh my bad Ms.Emily I don't care who you are. Know I best be on my way if you don't mind stepping out of my way" Justin said. Damn this little boy is rude I better but him in his place.

"I'm sorry did you not hear me clearly im the leader of the gators." I told tjustin the hot stupid guy standing about a foot in front of me. After I said that KK rolled her eyes and walked away.

"No I heard u the first time I just don't care and who the, excuse my French, hell are the gators"

"OK. Justin is your name right?" He nodded his head yes and rolled his eyes. "Well  cause your new I will give u a pass. The gator are a gang. My gang. Most feared in Florida so I would be careful what you say to me, got it. Good. Now if you would excuse me. That's the bell." I say and point at the the school and the bell rings.

As I walk away I fear JJ say "How did you know, nevermind, goodbye Emily." I keep walking not looking back.

"Bye Justin"

"Its JJ."

"Like I said bye Justin"

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