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1. David Copperfield:  Charles Dickens' David Copperfield went into descriptive and intimate details of the narrator's family.  The Copperfield he speaks of is the Dickensian hero and not the illusionist.

2. Touchy: oversensitive & irritable; delicate; thin-skinned; tense.

3. Prostitute: sold oneself; sell out; a person who deliberately debases his or her talents for money.

4. Falsies: stuffed bra; increase the apparent size of breasts.

5. Grippe: influenza; viral infection of the respiratory passages; fever, severe aching, and catarrh.

6. Bang out: do something quickly; excitement out of life; really enjoy something.

7. Boy: (interjection) an exclamation of wonder, approval, etc, or of displeasure or content. 

8. Qualms: uneasy feeling or pang (a sudden sharp pain or painful emotion) of conscience as to conduct; compunction; misgivings.

9. Rostrum: platform; podium; stage; dais; lectern.

10.  Compulsory: binding; forced; imperative; mandatory; obligatory; required

11. Peak: visor on a hat

12. Chiffonier: a high chest of drawers or bureau, often having a mirror on top.

13. Sadist: a person enjoying being cruel.

14. Belongsa: own this

15. Hellja: hell did you

16.  Falsetto: high-pitched voice; countertenor.

17. Chew the rag: talk about nothing.

18. Lather: a frothy white mass of bubbles produced by soap or a similar cleaning substance when mixed with water.

19. Viselike: clamp; tight; grip.

20. Vitalis: of or pertaining to life

21. Booze: alcohol, especially hard liquor; drink alcohol, especially in large quantities.

22. Brown Betty: a baked dessert made of apples or other fruit, bread crumbs, sugar, butter, spice, etc.

23. Fiend: a person who is addicted or very attached to some habit, practice, condition, etc.

24. Halitosis: a condition of having offensive smelling breath; bad breath.

25. Linoleum: a hard, washing floor covering formed by coating burlap/canvas with linseed oil, powdered cork, rosin, & pigment.

26. Gripping: holding the attention or interest intensely; fascinating; enthralling.

27. Canasta: a variety of rummy in which the main object is to meld sets of seven or more cards. 

28. Bridge:  a card game for four players, based on whist, in which one hand  is exposed and the trump suit decided by bidding between the players

29. Snowing: to persuade or deceive; to make an overwhelming impression on.

30. Oversexed:  having an excessive preoccupation with or need for sexual activity.

31.  Conscientious: governed by; controlled by or done according to one's inner sense of what is right; principled; careful and painstaking; particular; meticulous; scrupulous.

32.  Brassiere:  full form of bra.

33. Highballs: a family of mixed alcoholic drinks that are composed of an alcoholic base spirit and a larger proportion of a non-alcoholic mixer.

34. Perverts:  a person whose sexual behavior is regarded as abnormal and unacceptable.

35. Crumby:  Loathsome; disgusting; lousy;  Of inferior quality; shoddy.

36. Necking:  to your clothed on and above the neck.

37. Burlesque: a fat stripper, who would otherwise without if not for their novelty.

38. Putrid:  decaying or rotting and emitting a fetid smell.

39. Brassy:  harsh and loud;  tastelessly showy or loud in appearance or manner.

40. Grools: unattractive person.

41. Immaterial: unimportant under the circumstances; irrelevant.

42. Muckle-mouth:  Someone who talks excessively to no end and about many things at once.

43: Snubbing: rebuff, ignore, or spurn disdainfully.

44: Get wise: take advantage of someone.

45. Hoodlumy-looking: A word used to describe something shady, sketchy, out of the ordinary in a bad way; dumpster; crazed behavior, reminiscent   

46. Shoot the bull: have a casual conversation.

47. Knockers:  A woman's breast, especially when unrestrained and allowed to move.

48. Frock: a woman's or girl's dress; a loose outer garment, in particular.

49. Crumb-bum: Someone who isn't doing the work they're supposed to, who's being lazy

50.  Bourgeois: of or characteristic of the middle class, typically with reference to its perceived materialistic values or conventional attitudes.

51. Sophisticated: having, revealing, or proceeding from a great deal of worldly experience and knowledge of fashion and culture.

52.  Gay: happy.

53. Lulus: an outstanding example of a particular type of person or thing

54. Oodles: a very great number or amount of something

55. Sacrilegious: the violation or injurious treatment of a sacred object or person.

56. Furlough: leave of absence, especially that granted to a member of the armed services.

57. Flits: homosexual.

58. Boisterous: noisy, energetic, and cheerful; rowdy.

59. Ostracizing: exclude someone from a society or group.

60. Oiled: drunk; intoxicated.

61. Stenographer: a person whose job is to transcribe speech in shorthand.

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