10. Is he fanboying?

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I laid down on the bed, staring up at the ceiling.
A small knock sounded at the door and Sebastian walked in with a small smile on his face.

"Can't sleep?" He teased and I glared at him.

"What do you do all night?! Honestly!" I groaned into my pillow and Sebastian chuckled.

"Come on, we can try to unlock some of your powers now, since everyone else is asleep." I got up and changed into a dress that was easy to move in, completely ignoring Sebastian watching me.

"Pervert." I mumbled earning a quiet laugh.

"Only with you." I blushed and grabbed his hand before going into the moonlit garden.
"Right, first we need to unlock your demonic animal." He paused for a moment before feathers surrounded him and he changed into a raven. He squawked(?) at me and changed back into Sebastian.

"Ok, so how do I do that?" I raised an eyebrow looking at him confused.

"Think of your personality, any outstanding features about you. Then think of an animal that is similar and close your eyes." So much effort....

"I'm not good at this, you list things about me and I'll think of an animal!" I grinned at him.

You gave amazing agility.
Your eyes are amazing.
Unique." I blushed slightly and the perfect animal popped into my head.

"Ok, I got it!" I smirked as I closed my eyes.
When I opened them again I was a a lot shorter and Sebastian was looking at me with a crazy look in his eyes.
I yawned and looked at my huge black paws.

"Y-Y/N! You're beautiful! I didn't think I could love you anymore!" Wait was he... fanboying?
"The beauty in your eyes, your silky soft fur! I've never seen a more beautiful demonic animal!" I rolled my eyes and looked at him for help.
I couldn't change back.
I didn't know how.
This could be a problem.
He disappeared for a second before re-appearing with the large mirror from my room.
"Just look at yourself!" I stared at my reflection and my eyes widened.
I'm surprised it even worked!
The big cat stared back at me from the reflection and a slight purr escaped my mouth.
She had the brightest E/C eyes and flawless fur. I didn't expect any less from a black panther.

Okayyyyyyy. I said I would do a cat but I thought black panther would be better for 3 reasons:

1) They're more fierce
2) We all saw how Bassy reacted to Betty the Tiger.
3) They're badass

Demonic mates~ Sebastian x readerWhere stories live. Discover now