Chapter 1

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Gmel's  POV:

         I glanced up from where I sat down in a chair with a book in my hands to stare at the small children I was reading to. There eyes were wide and they all glanced at one another. I had just finished reading them a book that was about the different myths and legends of our village. One kid spoke up,"M-ms. Gmel...." I glanced at the child and saw it was a girl with small pig tails,"Yes?" I replied softly. The girl smiled a little,"Are those stories true?"

       At that moment I saw all the kids turn to me and started calling out,"Are they!?" Others were,"It can't be! Can it?" I gave a small laugh,"Well some say they are true others say they are not." I continued,"No one knows for sure all we have are the books and legends that our ancestors wrote for us." At that moment the same girl spoke up again,"Does that mean that Half breeds and magic do exist?!" Her eyes were wide. I thought for a moment and placed my head on my hand,"Well.......neither one of those things have been seen.......for many years." I went on,"But that does not mean they don't still exist."
(Gmel waz here) I could see all the children's eyes widen and began to speak," I am going to be the first to find if they still exist!" A boy squeaked. Another boy stood up,"Not if I find out first!" He called out staring at the other boy. Soon all of the children made comments about how they will find out if Half breeds and magic exists I laughed they had such big imaginations.

        I glanced up to see Abby the librarian walking over with a smile,"Sorry to interrupt your conversations children, but I have a couple of parents waiting for some children they left here." At that moment the children sprung to their feet and ran out to the entrance shouting out,"Thank you for the story Gmel!'' I walked up to the door and leaned on it and waved goodbye to everyone. They all waved back with smiles on their faces, I smiled back at them. I said my farewells to Abby before I made my way back home.

Jess POV:

       I was putting away a couple of dishes that were finished drying. I heard the front door open I turned around to see my friend Gmel,"Welcome back Gmel!" I spoke to her cheerfully. Gmel gave me a smile in return as she sat down on the table, but something seemed wrong she looked off? I walked up to her,"Hey Gmel you okay?" She starred at me,"Hey you believe in half-breeds?" I looked at her kinda confused on why she would ask that,"Huh why do you ask?" She shifted in her chair and I became worried. Gmel finally spoke after a few moments of silence,"I don't know why but for the past couple of days I just been seeing this white cat....and I know it's a cat so what? But the thing is I see it almost everywhere I go! Like it is watching me..." I just looked at her. She then frowned a little but then smiled,"Heh yeah I know it is silly! To think I am being watched by some stray cat in the village!" She put her head down on the table. I pat her back,"Gmel it is not silly.........just a little ummmm unusual." I said trying to comfort her. All she did in response was groan, I guess I was to distracted by trying to make her feel better because....I did not seem to notice the white cat looking at us through the window at that every moment. When I thought I saw it and looked at the window it had vanished into thin air.I did not know what I saw but decided to keep quiet just thinking it was my imagination.

(Book 1) Darkness Falls: Into a Wolf's & Cat's eyesWhere stories live. Discover now