A Rambling Request for Requests

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"I requested a story months ago and it STILL isn't here! What gives?!"

"This isn't a story update! Go back to your writing corner and do stuff!"

"Silly SkaterCheese, shipping opinions were popular months ago! Nobody cares about these anymore!"

And if you're thinking any of these things, frankly, you're 100% correct. I don't want this to exist either. This is not a "work." My number of works should not increase, because THIS... this is not a work. This is subwork.

I never wanted to stoop to this level.

But alas, we'll have to make the best of this for now.

This does exist now.

...Let me explain.

As many of you can tell, a lot of time goes into every chapter, every story, I write. Everything else is still being worked on, and I'm super excited for what the next thirty days promises for the SkaterCheese profile! The time from September 15th to October 15th (2017) should be a spike in new chapters, and I'm very excited about it! You can keep up with any progress on the SkaterCheese progress document, accessible from my profile. That said, I want some more auxiliary content for this profile that will take less effort from me, while still allowing me to participate in your fun little fandom.

I'll be leaving expanded, thoughtful opinions on each ship requested. Ideas about the dynamic, stories I'd write about them if I had the time, and even some of my favorite works involving the ship right here on Wattpad.

Think of it as the raw thought that goes into my works in distilled shortform. Just the mitochondria, not the muscle, macromolecules, or mucus of the actual stories. No keysmashing or mere ratings out of ten here!

But that hardly makes any sense, so let's put this in a language we'll all understand:

Request a ship and I'll give my thoughts!

Shipping Musings and OpinionsWhere stories live. Discover now