Chapter One: Useless Wannabe's

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I don't consider myself a bad person. Then again, I don't necessarily consider myself a good person. I mean, I get angry a lot, I have my mood swings. I say things I don't mean sometimes, and I have hurt good people, but never intentionally. I do intentionally help people. I use my powers for good most of the time. Sure, I might steal a little something from time to time, and sure, I get a lot of strange looks, but at this point most people know me and my colleagues are good.

That doesn't stop this feeling in the pit of my stomach-that feeling of emptiness. I feel useless. I know I'm doing good things, but it feels like it's not my purpose. It feels like I might not have a purpose. I know I could be doing bigger things; I just don't know what.

So here I was, sitting on the edge of a roof, staring at the ground far beneath my feet. I watched the cars move quickly in the night sky, they looked like they were glowing ants. I kicked my feet a few times before standing up and turning around. Just as I was about to leave, I heard a high pitched scream come from down below. I smirked beneath my mask and took a few steps back, falling off the building. I held my hands out in front of me and black smoke shot from my fingertips, wrapping around me and the building to the point where I was floating down. About five feet from the ground I dropped down, and ran in the direction of the scream. I saw a few brutes in leather jackets surrounding a woman and rolled my eyes. I already knew they were trying to steal something from her. That much was obvious.

"Men like you make me incredibly uncomfortable." I said, my voice modifier making me sound robotic. The group turned towards me and grinned.

"Well, if it isn't the Fae, haven't heard about you lately-"

"Yeah, less talk more punch please." I said and black smoke wrapped around my arms and created a sledge hammer in my hands. I grinned and ran at them. They had guns, but were so slow that by the time they had pulled them out, my sledgehammer had already made contact. I swung low, hitting ones leg and another's side. They both fell to the ground and I turned, swinging at the third, who caught the hammer. I could tell my mask was making a funny face, most likely question marks, at the guy as he put his guard down for a split second. I pulled back the hammer and swung it the other way. It smashed into his shoulder, sending him flying. I looked back at the woman, "You should probably run." She began running and I put my hands on my hips, stepping on one of the fallen guys as I watched her, the sledgehammer turning into mist.

"Is Cassie short for something?" I heard a British voice behind me and snapped my head in the direction, ready to fight someone else. Standing there was a (quite attractive) man with dazzling blue eyes, dark with some kind of troubling memory. He had slight facial hair and wore a tan trench coat, adding to the badass factor he was clearly trying to put off. Before I could get in a word, I saw a bright light and everything went white.


I came to on top of another building, laying next to billion dollar, Ray Palmer. He was one of mine and Ollie's friends, but we were still a little too close for comfort as we were mere inches away. I sat up and looked around in confusion. Beside Ray were the two criminals I'd met once or twice before, Mick Rory and Leonard Snart, or Heatwave and Captain Cold as Cisco named them. Both still passed out I saw their guns laying beside them and goggles around their necks. Snart was wearing his signature parka, and Mick was wearing a plain light brown jacket. After Snart was Professor Martin Stein, who I knew as one half of Firestorm. Then Sara Lance, another friend, someone I'd known since childhood who only recognized me from the past few months with Ollie as the Fae. Then was Kendra Saunders and Carter Hall, Hawkgirl and Hawkman, talk about comic copycats, and lastly a boy I'd met once before by the name Jefferson Jackson, or Jax for short, aka the other half of firestorm. As everyone woke up, they all began to question how we'd got here. I stood up and looked over the edge of the building, contemplating leaving, but too intrigued by how someone got the drop on me.

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