Chapter Sixteen: The End?

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I walked into the kitchen, where Mick sat. I reached into my pocket and pulled out Snart's ring.

"Go away." He said grimly. I sighed and walked up behind him, holding out the ring to him.

"You were his best friend, I think you deserve this more than me." I said and he took the ring, inspecting it before shaking his head and handing it back to me.

"If he wanted you to have it, he had good reason to." he said and I hesitantly took it, sighing and placing it on my pinky before continuing looking at it as I sat next to Mick. I heard the door open behind us once again and I turned to see Ray still in some of his ATOM suit.

"Hey." he said.

"Get out. I want to be alone and I'm already dealing with her." Mick said, gesturing to me. Ray didn't listen, and instead walked to the opposite side of the table and looked at us as if thinking about what he was going to say next.

"Gideon has confirmed that the Oculus has been destroyed. From here on out, it's tabula rasa." he said and I stayed staring at the ring that now belonged to me.

"Pretend for a moment I don't speak Greek." Mick said and I looked at him.

"Latin." Ray and I said in unison and he looked at us both with a face that clearly said I don't care, "Sorry." Ray added and I just went back to staring at my ring, "From this point forward, our actions are our own. We have free will." Ray explained and I turned my attention back to the ring.

"That supposed to make us feel better?" Mick asked.

"Yes. It means that Leonard didn't die for nothing." he said and I rolled my eyes. I knew what it meant, but it doesn't change the fact that he's gone.

"He gave me this ring before he did it." I said, showing the ring and Ray looked at us.

"I'm sorry Cass, Mick." Ray said, addressing us both. I shrugged it off, trying not to think about it, but it was hard to get the image of him burning up out of my mind.

"I killed Declan, Druce is dead. The Time Master's have nothing now that their ship was completely destroyed. Yet I still feel a need to kill someone for Snart." Mick said and I raised my hand slightly.

"Ditto." I said quietly, a large contrast in comparison to my normally obnoxiously loud voice.

"Savage still has Carter and Kendra." Ray said and I looked up at him, along with Mick.

"Then I will take great pleasure in ripping his heart out."


The fabricator came in handy when it came to remaking my mask. It supplied me with all the tools and all I had to do was redo what I'd done years ago. I rebuilt my mask in less than a week, better than ever.

Okay, so it wasn't much better, it just looked newer and the visor had more pixels for the faces, plus there were now other features in the cameras that I knew I'd never use.

I was tinkering with it when in walked Sara. I looked up at her for only a moment before back to my mask, noticing the ring glint on my finger. I sighed and stopped, putting my mask down before looking up at her.

"I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry. I knew how much he meant to you." she said and I shook my head.

"He still means a lot to me. He always will." I said and stood up, "But I know, no matter how much I want him back, I can't change history. And he wouldn't want me to be heartbroken forever. I have to move on eventually, right?" I asked, trying to mask my sadness. It was easier said than done. She gave me a look of pity as if she could see right through me before seemingly remembering something.

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