Chapter Nine: So You're Not Dead?

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"Fall back!" Rip shouted and I nodded, "Get to the jump ship!"

"Don't mind if I do." I said to myself as I ran in the direction of the jump ship. Chronos was shooting at all of us. I turned back on my way, "What'd we ever do to you, guy?" I shouted, not waiting for an answer as I kept running.


"You sure it was a good idea leaving Terminator on the bridge?" Snart asked as we all met up in the hall.

"Gideon has lock down protocols which-"

"Have been overridden, Captain." Gideon cut off Rip, who stopped in his tracks, "Chronos is utilizing superior Time Master technology. I cannot countermand his orders."

As if on cue, the Wave Rider began shaking and I lost my balance, falling into Jax, who caught me. I felt my cheeks heat up as I pulled myself back up and grabbed onto the wall, looking at Snart.

"He's time jumping the ship." Rip said and I looked at him with my best bitch face.

"I couldn't tell." I said sarcastically, referring to the shaking.

"The ladies will be left in 1958." Snart said loudly.

"What about Ray?" Jax asked, confused.

"Like I said." Snart sneered and I tried to contain my giggles. He was insulting my friend, I shouldn't laugh. Nevertheless, I let out a snort. Rip began sprinting, zigzagging from side to side in trouble due to the ship moving.

"Let's go! We have to stop him!" he shouted and I nodded as we all followed him. The struggle to get back to the bridge was real. We were all out of breath in less than a minute. We got to a door and Rip groaned, leaning against the wall beside it.

"That was a fun jog." I said, panting as I tried to keep my balance. I failed and this time, fell into Rip.

"You okay?" he asked and I nodded.

"Just trying not to let my eyeballs bleed or anything." I said and pushed myself off of him, landing in Snart's arms. He smirked down at me and I rolled my eyes, steadying myself as best I could.

"Gideon, open the doors on my mark." Rip said, holding up his laser pistol before looking at Jax, Stein, and me, "Get to the Jumpship and escape." he ordered.

"We are not abandoning you." Stein argued.

"No, you are obeying a direct order from your Captain." Rip answered and Jax and Stein looked at each other before running in the direction of the Jumpship. I, on the other hand, stayed put, "What are you doing, C-Fae?" Rip asked grumpily.

"I'm gonna save your asses in there, watch me." I said, looking at him and Snart. I formed my sledgehammer with a smile. He gave up, knowing I was very stubborn and gestured for me to get behind him, which I did.

"Now, Gideon." he said quietly. The doors opened and we all ran in, ready for a fight. Rip let out a yell and immediately shot at the heavily armored man. I ran to the other end of the room, making sure I wasn't caught as I ran up behind Chronos and swung my hammer at his legs. He turned around and shot me back at the last moment, causing me to fly back against the walls, "Save our asses, she says." I heard Rip and rolled my eyes. At least I had bought them some time. I slowly stood back up and ran at him once again, this time, the only difference was that I was angrier. Once again, he turned around, but this time, instead of shooting me, I felt something hard hit the top of my head and everything became a blur before going dark.


I woke to an aching head and handcuffed wrists. I let out a groan as I looked at my surroundings. I was handcuffed to a rail that lead to a room that was somewhat similar to the bridge on the Wave Rider. Beside me was Snart, handcuffed to a rail on the opposite side. In front of me was Chronos, working on something.

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