Chapter Eight: Not You Again

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"Where are we this time?" I asked, staring down at my feet while kicking slightly. I was sitting in between Sara and Jax, who was next to Stein, with Snart on the other side, an empty seat beside him, and Ray and Kendra sitting together. The two love birds disgusted me.

"Harmony Falls, Oregon." Rip answered after explaining something about time travel side effects that I didn't bother to listen to, "According to Captain Baxter's Intel, Savage makes an appearance in this Quaint little hamlet."

"What the hell is Savage doing in pleasantville?" Jax asked, raising an eyebrow. Rip was looking at a screen with newspaper articles and I stood up, getting closer to read them. I saw a headline that read "SLASHER STRIKES AGAIN" with a picture of a dead body and grimaced.

"Murder, apparently." Rip said slowly, sounding unsure, "Several denizens of Harmony Falls have been brutally slain, and others have gone missing." Rip explained and I crinkled up my nose in disgust. Murder was gross, especially when it was innocent people.

"Huh. Kind of like Rory." Jax said and I saw him and Snart glance at each other. I frowned and looked down at my feet once again.

"Reports are vague, but it seems like the killer is an expert with knives." Rip said and turned back to us.

"That sounds like Savage's MO." Sara said, putting one and one together.

"Yeah, but serial killing isn't. Sounds pretty small-time for a guy who's had coffee with Hitler." Ray said and I shrugged.

"Maybe he has bigger plans. It's called thinking ahead." I said and Rip nodded at me.

"Exactly right, Fae. We have to assume that Savage has a larger, more nefarious plan. But, since we've jumped back in time, Savage isn't expecting us here." Rip said, walking towards us.

"Savage is pretty good at hiding, even in a small town, so how do you plan to find him?" Kendra asked, using her brain. I smiled and held up a thumbs up her way, making her smile.

"By investigating these murders." Rip said and began doing things on the computer table, "Now, there has to be a common link between the victims, starting with the first." Rip said before going into detail, "A piano teacher was found slain in her home, which is now on the market." Rip then explained some of the plan, telling us that Kendra and Ray were going to go undercover as a couple and buy the house, "Dr. Matt Miller was found murdered on the grounds of the asylum where he worked. The sanitarium is in need of a replacement." He told us that Stein and Sara were to go undercover as a doctor and nurse for the asylum. I began growing curious as to what my part was going to be as he narrowed down the list, "Meanwhile, Jefferson is the perfect age to discern the facts behind the disappearance of three teenagers who went missing a week before these murders began." He said and I nodded as Snart cut in.

"So Raymond and Kendra are shaking up, Sara's nurse Ratched, and Jax's the new kid in town. Where does that leave me and Fae?" he asked and I looked at Rip, just as curious as Snart.


Snart was to go with Rip undercover to get the files and I was supposed to stay back on the ship for "Moral support" according to Rip. I groaned, my mask off and in one of the seats as I walked around, bored. No one was on the comm.s as they were all busy, which made me question why I even had them.

"Join the Legends, Fae. It'll be fun, Fae. You'll be a hero, Fae. Look at me now." I groaned.

"You do know you're on an open line, right?" I heard and jumped slightly.



"Savage doesn't think I recognize him, which means he won't try to kill me. He can't steal my powers before I've found them." Kendra said. The whole team had come back a little bit ago and were now talking about what happened while they were out. I obviously had nothing to talk about as I had sat around bored all day. I was laying spread out on the floor, which they'd questioned at first, to which I replied with shushing them, so they gave up.

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