😱 Hurricane Irma 😱

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Hello everyone, or anyone actually reading this. If you are reading this than you'd know that I did in fact survive Hurricane Irma. Now I grew up around hurricanes but this one was absolutely insane!

Since the hurricane was first announced honestly I wasn't worried, again it isn't my first hurricane but once people announced it was a category four and it was going to directly hit us I started to get a little nervous. None the less my family and I started to prep for the storm. Now shopping around hurricane time is a total nightmare. Everyone is rushing to get supplies which means things are practically flying off the shelves. I actually witnessed people FIGHTING for a pack of water! It was pretty funny actually XD

Then the gas lines started. If you didn't know gas is extremely important when it comes to big storms because if the power ends up going out you need gas to power generators, also if something bad happens you need gas to drive away from whatever happened. Luckily my family already filled up plenty of gas canisters before the lines got too long and let me tell ya, they got LONG. Prices began to sky rocket so people either had to wait in long lines or risk not having any during the hurricane.

Not having much of a choice people ended up waiting in lines that looped around literal blocks. And what really surprised me was people actually trying to evacuate even though their area didn't need to evacuate. It was sad because the airplane ticket prices also skyrocketed to the point where it was over 4,000 dollars per ticket. So some people who actually HAD to evacuate had to stay due to the insane prices. And on Saturday night the storm had finally reached us.

To be completely honest with you, everything was going fine. We somehow still had power which was a relief and we had plenty of supplies. Everything was going great.... Until the tornado warnings started. Now let me tell you that I have never once been through a tornado. Even though we go through the drills countless times at school I never believed one could happen.. Until that day. Literally SEVEN tornado warnings blasted everyone's phones and TVs. Here I am watching freaking Beauty and the Beast Live Action when seven tornado warnings flash all at once. The news lady telling us that it isn't a drill and to get in bathtubs and stuff- I was... Not really scared just surprised and angry because now I gotta pause the movie! Anyway turns out only two tornados actually touched the ground and well, my fence completely blew away. But somehow I still had power.

Timeskip to morning, the hurricane is directly on top of us now. I wake up to my mum dancing around and laughing because we still had power and as soon as she was about to make breakfast- boom. The power flickered off. I honestly couldn't stop laughing from her reaction because when the power went off all I heard was "Son of a bitch!" XDD

Luckily (yes I know I'm saying luckily a lot) my mum had the temperature in the house down in the 60s because she knew we'd lose power and didn't want to stay in a hot ass house. So even though we had no power the house was still pretty cool which was cool. Now to pass the time my sister, my brother and I all played boardgames, mancala and a bunch of other things. I even drew some stuff (if you want to see them ask in the comments and I'll try to post it in the next chapter). Soon enough it hit 3:00 and we ran out of things to do. We all started getting hungry and instead of opening some cans of food like normal people would my dad and mum had the perfect idea to open a shutter and grill some left over food...
During a category 4 hurricane.

Now I don't have the picture just yet but you can imagine how my dad looked when he was grilling food with pouring rain and tree branches fly around behind the grill with his sweatpants rolled up like shorts and sunglasses on the back of his head with an old spatula in his hand. It was the funniest thing I've seen in my entire life.

We ended up grilling some hot dogs and stuff and had one hell of a feast. So timeskip again and it was the middle of the night. Let me remind you that there was no power and our house heats up pretty fast when theres no A/C. I tried everything to get some sleep. I tried not sleeping with blankets, didn't work. I tried sleeping on the couch, nothing, I even tried sitting outside with a crack in the shutters to get some air. It would have worked if the wind didn't sound like the end of the world. So I ended up only getting 20 minutes of sleep, but I was just glad we were fine.

After the hurricane we went outside to see the damages. We saw our entire fence was ripped apart and scattered around our neighborhood and the large tree in the front of our house came down.

It almost hit my sister's car! But actually my sister wanted it to hit her car because it's so broken down and she wanted the insurance to pay for a new one, but that didn't happen XD

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It almost hit my sister's car! But actually my sister wanted it to hit her car because it's so broken down and she wanted the insurance to pay for a new one, but that didn't happen XD

Anyway in conclusion, my house is fine but it's been five days and we still have no power, I'm burning alive in this heat, my favorite tree got torn down, our fence is gone, our generator over heated yesterday so all the food in our fridge is spoiled, internet signal is rare, and school starts back up again Monday....

Save me 🙃

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