Chapter 5 || I really need some Fruit Loops

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*Image of where the head figures live as mentioned in Chapter One*

"We need to talk"

I saw worry and despair in his eyes as soon as the words left my mouth , so I was quick to try​ to erase it not wanting my mate to stress over something that probably has nothing to do with what he thinks it does.

"You d-" I was cut off by Xavier "Are you gonna reject me?" I stood shocked wondering why and how he could even ask me that.

I was gaping at him "You think I wanna reject you??" I would never ever reject him , I don't even know the guy but so far he's been nothing but a gentleman...... And a perv.

"Well you didn't really speak to me the first 6 hours of me being here so..." His voice was now cold and his eyes held no emotions. He put up a wall.

"Hey" I cupped his cheek with one hand and placed the other on his bare chest "Look at me , I would never reject you... I was just overwhelmed. For what it's worth, you've been an amazing mate so far " His eyes softened and the warmth returns to his brown-hazel eyes.

"It's worth Everything to me right now Mia Bella"(My beauty) It was now that I noticed the strong English accent he had but there was something else there that had my toes curling and my insides turned to mush and just the sound if his voice. I was so distracted by his face and body tha-

And I don't regret a second of it !


Okay.. Goddess! I can't even get some...

Pervert... Always cutting me off from my own thoughts

That I didn't even notice it once before.

"I love your accent and your Italian"I smiled warmly at him with awe and he returned it "Thank you Love"

Xavier removed my hand from his check and intertwined our fingers before pulling me to his bed where we both sat in a comfortable silence just enjoying each other's presence.

"I'm going to change and when I'm back we'll discuss whatever it is you wanted to talk with me about" My eyes widened remembering the whole reason I came to his room.

He walked into his closet and I smiled goofily watching him go. I realized that for the first time in forever (AN//:TANGLED ❤), I feel like the old Bellona that was always happy, hanging out with friends and enjoying being a teenager... When I turned 16 I had to be someone that people could look up to and idolize , I had to grow up.

Fruit loops.

"Are you okay Mio Luce ??" (My Light)  Xavier asked with concern etched on his handsome face "I'm great, I'm just really glad you're here.... That you found me" He smiled "Not as glad as I am"

I bit my lip and groaned frustrated not knowing how to start what I wanted to say and I saw my mates eyes darken and he followed the motion of my lips as he dampened his own. He looked me in the eyes then back to my lips before letting out a frustrated groan of his own then disappearing from before me in a millisecond.



It's been three days since that encounter with Xavier and I haven't seen him once since. I think he's purposely ignoring me, I think he and my father are discussing Business about our abnormally large pack ... I think they're discussing creating sectors and putting small leaders over each so the functioning of the pack could run smoother and so my father doesn't have to fly halfway across the country just for stupid border problems! Though my parents have everything perfectly fine they need everything in order and a bit easier for when Soon take over in two years

Since recently I've began to act like the 'Elle' that everyone used to know. I went from wearing those death weapon dresses to sweats and t-shirts and from heels to socks and sandals .... It is not weird! I love wearing dresses though they make me feel lethal but sometimes I need comfort, yah know ??

Fruit loops.

There it is again my conscious telling me to get fruit loops for the fifth time today! I've been trying to stay away from the colourful gifts sent from Above because I binge eat fruit loops when I'm really stressed and not getting to talk to Xavier when he's leaving so soon tomorrow has taken its toll on me.

I took a short shower and freshened up.

I walked into my closet and put on a white tank top , grey ripped joggers and a pair of white socks, if I decided on leaving the house to go anyplace I would just put on my white Jordans or my basic white sneakers. I added a thin gold chain and pulled my hair up in a messy bun and left my room when I decided I looked presentable.

I was expecting to go down to the living room and probably find a few immediate members of the Beta and/or Delta families .... What I didn't expect was a room full of Alphas and my mate standing at the fireplace making a toast to the beautiful brunette next to him.

So I said and did the first things that came to my mind.

I groaned loudly and really unladylike may I add "I really need some fruit loops"


She is low key funny!! 😂😂

Hope you guys enjoy ! It's shorter than normal but I wanted to get in another update so Yaaayyy!!! ❤❤❤
Word count :950

VOTE. COMMENT. SHARE..... Maybe??😊😊 FAN !!!!!!

*Fairy Dust Kisses*

Xoxo Mai ❤

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2017 ⏰

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