The Plant on the Shelf

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There was once a beautiful plant. She was small with pink flowers that smelled like summer and she sat on the top shelf at a garden store all day.  She desperately wanted someone to take her home and water her and love her and just to care for her.  But nobody ever came.

One day a boy and his father came into the store. They were laughing and joking about carrots, and how if you were going to grow carrots, you might as well grow rainbow ones.  The plant didn't understand the joke, but she did understand that there was a chance that the boy and his father could be the ones to take her as their own.

She watched the little boy run up and down the aisles of plants.  He was cute and full of energy.  After he got tired, he slowly started looking at all the plants critically, as if he were grading them to get the best one.  Eventually the boy stopped in front of her shelf.

He looked at the other plants first and his eyes slowly traveled upwards until they landed on her.  Her leaves jumped, this was her chance! The boy looked at her longer than he did the rest and with a spark of familiarity.  He carefully reached up on his tip toes and took her off of the shelf.

He gazed down at her with love, "you will be mine," he whispered, "and I will care for you".

The End

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