The Honey Competition

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Marcia was a honey bee. She was good at her job, which was pollinating all of the flowers in the area. She took pride in what she did because she knew that by doing her little part, it would help create new life for new plants and flowers.

The problem was there were just too many flowers and not enough worker bees to get to them all. Marcia was extremely worried about this because she knew that not getting to all the flowers would mean they wouldn't be able to seed and reproduce. She feared the garden she was in would lose its colour and life because of this.

The Queen Bee noticed this too and was equally concerned. She immediately started brainstorming ways to pollinate more flowers. She thought about this for a long time until she found what she felt was the perfect solution, and the best way to motivate the hive, a honey race!

"The rules are simple." The Queen Bee announced to the tribe. "Pollinate as many flowers as you can and come back to the hive in order to make the honey. We will measure how much honey each worker bee makes and at the end of the week the bee with the most honey will win."

Marcia was in the lead as the bees thundered out of the hive for their first day of competitive honey making. She buzzed around with great hurry but made sure to take care of each flower properly. The day was hot and Marcia quickly grew tired. But she didn't let that stop her, she continued to make trips back to the hive until long after dark.

She thought about how good it would be to get extra flowers pollinated, and how hard she was going to work this week. Marcia wanted a chance to prove how much she tried to get the work done, and she figured that if she did her best this week she might even win.

It was tiring work and by the third day of the contest many of the worker bees had dropped out due to exhaustion. Marcia was just as tired as them and even thought about giving up once or twice, but she knew she would be disappointed in herself if she did. She decided that instead she would work at a more steady, less intense pace.

As the week grew nearer and nearer to the end, more and more worker bees dropped out of the contest. The ones who stayed got increasingly more competitive. Marcia continued to do what she had been doing all along and focused on each flower.

By the end of the week she was proud of all she had accomplished and so was the rest of the hive. It was incredible to see how far they'd come in pollinating the flowers, and nobody was happier than Marcia when it was announced that 90% of the flowers had been pollinated.

Although she didn't win the contest she was happy to know that she survived the week and did the best she could. She had learned so much about herself and her capabilities, and again she was proud of all she had done to ensure new, beautiful flowers would grow the next year.


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