Journey to Greatness

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Chris always loved music. He was the kind of kid to dance during the national anthem in kindergarten. He first picked up a guitar at the age of six. His tiny arms and fingers could barley reach to make the right chords, but he continued trying because he was making what he called music- although his parents described it more as random guitar strings being pulled.

As Chris grew up he discovered different genres and artists, so it was only natural that one day he would try to become one. He put covers of his favourite music on YouTube in the hopes of being discovered. His friends were pretty encouraging, and one day they all started a band.

The other kids had some talent and they sounded good together. Chris was the band's natural leader and he was always scouting for new songs they could attempt. They continued to post their covers to YouTube and performed a few nights at local bars to gain publicity.

Chris tried writing songs of his own, but he could never get the words to flow quite right.  His band mate Tristen wrote some good poems, so they worked together to make songs.

One day an accomplished musician found them on YouTube and invited the band to play as an opening act for one of her shows.  Chris was over the moon. He, Tristen and the rest of the band practiced non-stop in the weeks leading up to the performance. If Chris had annoyed his parents with his guitar playing as a kid, it was nothing compared to the annoyance they had hearing him 24/7. 

The night before the show, Chris could barely sleep.  When he finally managed, his dreams were full of flashing lights and images of stardom.  The next day was a busy whirlwind of last minute rehearsals, sound checks, and breaks so Chris could pinch himself to make sure it wasn't all a dream.

Then it was time. The band huddled and Chris gave them a pep talk before going on stage. Waiting behind the doors was the longest minute of his life. Then he saw the cue, opened the stage door and walked out with the band following. There was a blinding light, and Chris could hardly see the crowd through it, but he knew they were there from the cheers that bombarded him from every angle.

The world was watching, and Chris was ready.

The End

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