Dan Howell Was The One

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Phil's pov:

I was just standing there at the train station when I saw him.. I haven't told my mum yet about me liking boys but I was hoping she would be okay with it. My father wouldn't be okay with it and that's why I have put it off for so long.

"Phil!!", I heard from the distance. It was just Shanley, my friend from middle school. We hadn't talked since then and she looked way different. She had gotten a nose piercing and her cloths had leveled up. It was a flannel shirt with koalas on spontaneous squares.

I turned around to greet her and said, "Oh hi Shanley!" I noticed when I got closer that her eyes were a different color than before, of course that had to be the thing I remembered about her...

I was a bit distracted by the beautiful boy standing, waiting for his train. His hair was real curly. 'what would I look like with curly hair?' I thought. He started to walk to the concessions to buy a candy bar.

"Phil are you okay?". I turned to realize I had been dozing off thinking about that boy. "Oh yeah I'm okay. Sorry I was just a bit. um. Distracted."

"Well okay then. HAVE YOU HEARD THEY'RE NEW ALBUM??", she said enthusiastically. "Who's?", I said to her as she shook me by my shoulder and yelled now, "TWENTY ONE PILOTS FOR GOODNESS SAKE!".

I had no idea that there was a new album. I kind of tuned out when they announced they were taking a break on twitter. "I thought they took a break", I said to get more information from her hyperventilating.

"well. I mean. It isn't REALLY out yet. BUT IT IS COMING. BE READY LESTER."

Oh trust me. Now I will.

I glanced over to see that boy in the black shirt, standing and waiting again for his train. But this time he was eating a milky way. Yum.

"Well I should probably get going to catch my train, nice catching up with you! Could I get your number? We could so go out for a pumpkin spice latte at starbucks haha" She nods her head and gives me her phone number, Dialing the number into my cellular contacting device.

Shanley went and left to get to her mums house. I went and got a milky way from the concessions like that unnamed beauty. I was nervous to talk to him but I really wanted to. He looked pretty great in his black tee-shirt anyway. I would like to say I am pretty optimistic about things and I would say this could go really well. He looked pretty sad from the distance but smiling at his phone every now and then. OH MY GOODNESS. His dimple is simply.. Amazing.

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