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okk.. ohkkk so. no bakbak... now let's start the story... n soon try to upload #A_NEW_STORY.... (#NOCCTF)  short form..  try to complete the name of the story...  I will shear my FF with her.. mean I would LIKE to discuss my story with HER....

recap: Abhi-mahi & Sonal-Ishan get married.... rag got pain...   and suspense...




swasan & lucky gather near doc...  she was nervous... very soon Nurse come out... with something carring  in her arms to DOC.. & pass to Lak.. swara had  tears to saw. the nurse arms... n Lak notice doc was smiling sweetly...

nurse : Mr. Gadodia YOu have a baby BOy...

doc: Well.. sorry for giving this. much mini stress... But Your wife & my friend RAGINI is absolutely fit & fine...

Lak: (hold the baby in his arms.. & his eyes were shining..) ohh.. doc.. You scared me...

San:(frown to doc) Lisa... YOU never change... huuhh..  give. us heart attacks..

doc:(laugh. ) sorry.. sanky...(wink.. which make Sw flume in anger) well.. Mr. laksh ...  YOU can meet ragini... after few minutes..  and sanky...  how's life....?? ( hold his hand as she is. don't knew anything..  about SW ..)

San; fine...  how are you..?? n you OT ragini...??

doc Lisa: we'll.. yes.. handsome... ( laugh). tell me about you.. still bachelor..?? need to find any alliance..?? 

San:(get a cough.. & gulp.. to see swara.. & her red eyes. free his hands.) yeah.. all good.. Lisa... sho.. na...  wo.. she is my.... class mate.... and.. am... a..m.. m...a..RR...e..... (interpreted)

Sw:(ignored San.. & walk to Lak) vai... show me.. champ.. olle.e... merra sweetu... (she  caress her chubby cheeks.)  am your bUA... hai n.. chottu knows me no..?? (pamper baby..)

lak pass baby to her.. she was playing.... while ignoring. sanskar.. n lucky was enjoying the silent war...

San:(understand Shona is fultu angry.. he sigh sadly.) Lisa... YOU tell how's YOu & moreover HOw is NIHAR..??

Lisa doc: (smile wide. slap at his shoulder...) ohh good YOU r avoiding... means single. (wink)  well..   he &  HIS son.. is pretty good...

San:(smile) oh... that's mean.. YOU  have son..?? right..?? (remembered) ohhh yes.. I forgot....

Sw:(surprise to see San.. he nods sadly.. she pout..butt again turn her head..)

Lisa:(smile) yes.. as You seen him only 3months but now. 05... big boy.. u knew..

Lak:(smile to see swasan staring e-o..) guyz. now hold baby Yarr... I need to meet ragini...

swara who hold baby already ... San come near her. she pass baby to him... Lisa to follow them.. seeing swasan close Lisa doubt.. on them.. & all goes to meet Ragini...

@rag's cabin...

all were waiting for her... even Ap & 2couple to reach.  & seeing baby all get too much happy....   as Abhi in.. Lak signal him about swasan.. & he lough loud..

soon ragini gain her sense.. & seeing her baby she was overwhelmsed... she had tears..Lak help her to seat.. & Sw pass baBy to her...  she kiss his forehead... 

rag: My baccha.... (she adore baby)
Lak: our... shonu.. (he caress her cheeks... both was looking e-o... with love & care)

Sw:(teas raglak)  ohh hlww.. vai vabi...  look around.. ppls..

San: (teas too) yeah.. buddy... what your baby learn....

Sw:(snap) vai.. don't You get a friend.. with brain..?? I mean..?? baby hardly can open eyes..  telling about learning..? huuhh....

San:(glared) Shona..??

Lak:(support San) yes.  Shona.. YOU again start. with your teaching..?

Sw:(jaw drop) vai...??  (angry ) how dare YOU...

Lak : what ever.....

rag:(laugh loud... seeing them 3) hahahaha... champ... I don't knew.. what you learn it not.. but You will definitely learn.. with CAT-FIGHTs...

Doc San nurse all laugh at Swa-Lak....  they poutt...

soon visiting hours got over.. & swasan &  all back to home.. for giving time to RAglak...


Lak : Shonu are YOU feel well now..??

rag:(busy to staring her child) yes.. laksh ... am fine..  you happy...??

Lak:(peck her forehead) no doubt.. Shonu... no doubt...  am seriously fine... & double happy... that YOU & baby is fine.... & all short with happiness....

rag: yes.. am happy too...  (saying she was looking at Lak...)

Lak:(to look at her.. & in a moment.. he place his lips on hers..  saying ) I love you...

rag: (she reciprocate his kiss.. & mumble in kiss) I LOVE yOU 2...

after few minutes raglak apart...  ragini feed her baby.. & make him sleep.... while turn to Lak..  she saw.  he was too sleeping.. she adore  both papa & baby....  after a while she dose off too...


all back to GM..   AP lighten up a candle...  and wish to god..  for happy life for both of her children.. swasan raglak...

swasan send Abhi-Mahi & Sonal-Ishan in their rooms... & went to Ap... they both make her sleep & then went to their room..

@swasan room

as swara in..  San hold her waist form back.. she shiver.. but stay normal.. San blot the door.. & at last scoop Shona in her arms... she blush while lookking down her gaze..  San smile.. & make her lay in bed. & seat beside her... while caressing her hairs.. he said...

"Shona.. YOU must knew..  now at present I have only two women in my life. YOU & MAA... why YOU were angry at hospital"

"am sorry....". she to stroke his hairs... form forehead...

"I love you my jealous Queen...."  he chuckle..

"I love you too. my handsome hubby.." saying this she pull him down & Peck at her lips..  make HIM SHOCK....  but he too reciprocate her...  & suck her lips heard... she moan in his mouth.... & pull him on her more.. as he totally loose his balance & now she in underneath of HIS...  both apart for lack of oxygen...

but San again took her lips in. his mouth. & they went to a another world....  of love..  hiding themselves in a same shit..  with nak*d bodies  moaning each other name.s...

next part - epilogue or maybe one more part...  dedicating Sw's pregnancy..

let me think....  so for now.. tata guys....

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