Joe- First Date

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I was just lounging around all day. Doing literally nothing with my life because that's who I am.

I sighed as I scrolled through the tv listings to see nothing to watch.

I stood up and went a grabbed my computer. I opened YouTube and typed in Joe Sugg. Man I missed him. We were best friends since when we were younger. Gosh, he got cute.

"Meet the Zalfie Baby!" I clicked. Zoe and Alfie were literally the cutest. Zoe and I facetimed the night he asked her out. It was the sweetest thing I've ever seen.

As the video came to an end there was knock on my door. I looked around, trying to remember if one of my friends was coming over.

I stood up fixing my shirt and my leggings. I opened the door. "Joe?" I said surprised.

"How did you find my new address" I smiled giving him a hug. "I asked your mum" He smiled. "Oh! Well come in" I smiled. He followed me into my apartment. "We need to hang out more" I said to I'm. He then ran his hand through his hair. "Do you want to go get coffee?" He said looking into my eyes. "Sure" I smiled.

"Let me grab my shoes" I said. I walked to my room. I grabbed my adidas and my black hat from my closet. I walked into my bathroom and put lipstick and eyeshadow on. I then slide my ponytail through the slit in my hat.

"Wipe that makeup off" Joe said standing in the doorway. "Um. No way Sugg" I smiled at him. "Yes. You're beautiful with out it" he said. "You make me laugh Joe" I said pinching his cheeks. He groaned as he walked away.

"Okay Suggles let's go" I said grabbing his hand. "Don't call me that" he blushed. "I'll do whatever I want" I smiled.

"Do you want to take my car?" I asked. "No we can take mine" He said pulling out his keys. "Okay".

Once we walked out of the building, he started walking towards his car. I got into the passenger seat."you don't even understand how bad I've missed you, when you came and saw my family. I was so fucking happy" he said. "Woah. Did I just hear Joe Sugg swear" I smiled. "Yeah you did" he smiled. "I'm in shock" I joked.

"Stop it" He blushed. "No" I smiled. He put the key in the ignition and turned the car on. "Where do you want to go?" He asked looking at me. "Starbucks?" I questioned. "You're such a girl" He rolled his eyes. "Uh huh, I am" I snapped back.

He laughed at me. He had one hand on the steering wheel and the other in his lap. I then grabbed his hand. "Whatcha doing ?" He asked keeping his eyes on the road. "Holding your hand" I giggled. "Why" He asked blushing again. "Because I guess I've missed you too" I laughed. He squeezed my hand.

"So how's YouTube going for yah?" I asked playing with his thumb. "It's good, you really need to come over sometime. You can meet my roommate" He smiled. "Byron?" I ask smiling. "How'd you know?" He asked. "I obviously watch your videos idiot" I giggled at him. My phone the buzzed in my pocket.

Zoe💕- Hey girl! How's your date going? ;)

Y/N- Huh? What date? 😂

Zoe💕- You're with Joe aren't you?

Y/N- yeah...?

Zoe💕- Joe said you were going on a date 😂

Y/N- I thought we were going as friends oh my gosh Joesph Sugg

Zoe💕- Embarrass him. Do it. Now

I closed my phone with a giggle. "What's so funny?" He asked raising his eyebrows. "I'm really enjoying this... uh... date Joe" I giggled. "Oh god..." He blushed. "I'm sorry" he continued. "Why are you sorry it's cute" I smiled. "I just really like you and I was too scared to tell you" he looked out the window.

"You can tell me anything Joe, you don't need to be scared" I smiled at him. "Remember when we were younger and all of our family told us we would get married one day?" I laughed. "Holy shit, yeah I remember" I smiled grabbing my hand again. "So yes, I do want to go on this date with you" I said. "Well good I'm glad" he said.


Once we got to Starbucks, we got out of the car and walked up to the door. Joe grabbed the door and held it open for me to go in. I smiled at him as he followed me through the door. "What do you want?" He asked. "I don't know honestly" I laughed. "What do you want?" I asked him. "Just get me whatever you get" He said.

After you ordered two of our favorite drinks, you grabbed them off of the counter and walked and sat down. "Here" you handed him the cup. He took the straw in his mouth. "Oh wow. That's good. I get why girls are so obsessed with this place" he giggled.

"Oh my god no way, I'll be right back" he stood. "Joe don't leave me" I laughed. He walked out of the door. I sat there confused for a second. I pulled out my phone to check what was going on. The door then opened again and in walks joe, followed by a familiar face. Byron.

"Oh! Hi!" I said standing. "Hello. Joe has told me so much about you" He said giving me a hug. "Joe take notes, he knows how to hug" I laugh. "My heart!" He joked. "What are you doing here" Joe asked him grabbing an extra chair. "I was bored so I wanted to go for a drive and ended up here" Byron said sitting in the chair. I sat back down and took the drink in my hand.

"So what did Mr. sugg say about me?" I asked wiggling my eyebrows. "A lot. He told me stories of when you were little and how you were his best friend" Byron smiled. I blushed and looked into Joes eyes. He smiled and took the straw in his mouth again.

"What did you guys get? It looks good" Byron said looking at the cups. "(Your Favorite Drink)" Joe said. "I'm going to go get one" he said standing

"What a coincidence that Byron showed up here" Joe laughed. "Yeah. That is pretty weird" I smiled.

Once Byron came back we all started talking about random things. "We should make a group chat on Whatsapp with the three of us" I said, they both agreed as Joe made the chat.

After about an hour of talking you decided it was time to go. "It was so nice meeting you Byron" I smiled hugging him again. "Yeah! Joe was right. You're very nice and funny" He smiled.

When we were finally back at my apartment, I put the key into the door and unlocked it. "You can come in" I said to him. "I should go home" he sighed. "Oh. Okay" I smiled at him. "Text me tomorrow okay?" He smiled. "Will do" I smiled back. He started to walk away. "Uh Joe what are you doing" I asked.

"Huh?" He asked looking at me. I then held out my arms. He smiled and walked over to me wrapping my arms around me and picking me up. I laughed as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I had so much fun with you" He said. "Me too" I agreed as he put me down. "Ok. Now you're free to go" I laughed.

"Oh finally out of prison" He rolled his eyes with a smile. "Oh whatever. You're rude" I said crossing my arms acrossed my chest. "You love me" He said opening the door. "I guess" I smiled. "Bye!" "Bye Joesph" I laughed as the door closed.

Woah. Maybe my family was right...

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