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Lady Jane was born in October 1537 in Bradgate House, the family estate of the Gray family. Before her, Francis and Henry Gray had a son and daughter, but they died shortly after birth. The couple did not lose hope - and now, like from a cornucopia, they had one after another three daughters. Disappointment grew with the birth of each of the girls, because they passionately wanted a son. But, apparently, so decreed fate.

(Bradgate House: The ruins of a 17th century building, "creatively restored" in the 19th century with the replacement of the original masonry)

In the earliest childhood, Jane showed an extraordinary mind and a great desire for knowledge. Most of all, she was worried only by her own development and perfection.
Her mind and her views have reached a degree of maturity that only very few people notice. Latin, Greek, French and Italian, she studied in early childhood. It seemed to her a little, and later she supplemented this list with Spanish, Old Babylonian, Hebrew and Arabic. Reading was beloved and at the same time one of the few entertainments for a girl brought up in the strict morals of Puritanism.
But this does not mean that Jane did not like other favorite female entertainment - music and dance. At the court of the last queen, not only did they comprehend science, but also sang, danced, and arranged magnificent carnivals.
The girl was very fond of life and was happy every new day, no matter what day it was. She loved nature, studied the life of plants, animals and birds.
Unfortunately, Jane was not born later, otherwise she would become a great person, her kindness and honesty deserve respect and a low bow, because such as She practically does not have ...
Jane, as the eldest daughter, parents decided to raise as a future queen. Let her be the fifth, after her mother, in the line of successors, but there is a chance to get a throne at least some, but there is ...
Originally, the guardian of King Edward VI, Lord Admiral Sir Thomas Seymour Sadley, planned to extradite Jane for his ward. And after the execution of Sir Thomas, Lady Francis continued the attempt to implement this plan. The king was very fond of Jane, who was more educated than any young man of that time, but he only respected the girl, but did not intend to marry her: if he married her, it would be great ...
For a long time, Jane lived with Thomas Seymour, where the girl was trained and brought up in a Protestant style. For her, conscience and honor were always in the first place. She loved a clean relationship, and no matter what parents often beat and humiliated her, for Jane kindness was always above all else.

(Sadley Castle is the estate of Thomas Seymour, the place of death of Katerina Parr. Jane spent the summer of 1548 here)

Edward VI was getting worse and worse, and he was forced to change the law on succession to the throne. The shaky state of the king's health opened up bright prospects for the ambition of the regent of the kingdom - John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland, who had long dreamed of power. He impressed the king that his sisters Mary and Elizabeth, as Henry VIII's testament, as direct heirs of Edward, did not have the right to do so, since the decision of the parliament had previously been declared illegitimate, and the niece of King Maria Stewart was expelled by the deceased king from the will and also deprived of the right Crown Inheritance. And since all three named princesses are deprived of this right, it, naturally, should go to Lady Francis, and from her - to her daughter Lady Jane.
Edward agreed, and signed.
Under the pressure of the Duke of Northumberland, members of the Privy Council approved Jane's claim to the throne. His signatures were put by everyone, even Thomas Cranmer and William Cecil.
Northumberland began negotiations on the marriage of his fourth son, Lord Guildford Dudley, with Lady Jane Gray.
Guilford was a year older than Jane, but already got a reputation as a rowdy and a drunkard. The upbringing of Jane did not allow her to marry Guildford, but the girl could not go against the will of the parents.
July 6, 1553, in the seventh year of his reign, the sixteen-year-old King Edward died at his residence in Greenwich. He died peacefully, the fact of his death could be hidden all this night and the whole next day. It was only necessary not to disclose the death of the king before Princess Mary was imprisoned in the Tower and everything would be ready for the proclamation of the Queen of Lady Jane Gray.

In the life of every person, something happens, the most important thing in life. And in the life of a simple Chilean family an important event happened. Finally, Thomas and Josephine were born two sons, with a difference of only three days. One Thomas named Agni, and the second Josephine called Voron. Thus the brothers Agni and Raven Istukanov were born.

Their childhood did not go so fast, as parents would have liked. At the age of six, Raven went to school, and Agni already at 8 because of illness.

Unfortunately, the parents of the brothers had an accident and were killed when Imstukanov was 12 years old. Agni easily suffered a loss, but Raven almost did not commit suicide: most of all he was afraid of losing his mother sometime ..

With their studies they were not so hot, they did not like studying.

Raven dreamed of heroism, he raved about films about heroes, he dreamed of saving a girl, becoming a knight for her without fear and reproach. He was practically not afraid of anything. Entering the University for a programmer, Raven dreamed of creating his own algorithm of life, that would go to the past and save his mother. About the father Crow has already forgotten: not so he grieved for the father, as for the loss of the mother ..

Externally, Raven bull is quite attractive for girls, many in the university have put an eye on him: athletic figure, athletic build, Raven loved sports and a healthy lifestyle.

Agni, however, paid little attention to his appearance, although he welcomed a healthy lifestyle. Agni was lower than Raven, he loved history, that's why he became a teacher of geography and history. There was only one hobby: physics and astronomy. To the girls Agnius was wary and did not have a relationship with anyone: he wanted to be like Sherlock Holmes, thought that women would interfere with him in his affairs, Agni tried not to fall in love with anyone, not to be nervous because of such nonsense, as love. At least so Agni thinks.

After the university, the brothers Istukanovs found in the cave, where they went as tourists, old scrolls about the fact that one can invent a time machine. Without a long thought, the brothers began to follow all the points in the manuscript and that's how they got the result in 2016, after a year of invention:

Agni and Raven of the Isstukanovs invented a time machine and moved their base to caves in the Andean mountain system, in Chile.
"We invented a system with which we can wander into the past. Someone from us will travel, and someone is here and keep in touch with someone who has been through a special sound sensor in the past, and also to report information about the past.
"I'm going to the first business," said the Crow.
- Where?
"In 1553, I want to see Lady Jane Gray," said the Crow ... 

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