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"Let's have a toast."

"All right." James lifted his glass, "To Supergirl..."

"No, no. Wait, wait. To family." Kara smiles at everyone, "Love bonds us all."

"To family!"

There was a loud crash outside, making everyone jump. "Whoa."

"What was that?"

"Nothing good," Alex states when she sees two giant things fly by.

Kara looks at her fellow heroes, all of them got out and flew after it. They land in front of them, "Those pods."

"It's identical to ours," Leah says, looking back at Kara. It's from Krypton."

Katie and Kara ran forward wanting to save whoever was inside. Leah bit her lip, "Be careful!"

"You don't know what's in there," J'onn warned.

"Oh my God." Katie's voice shifted when she saw two men inside the pods.

Katie landed in before all of them, stretching as she grinned inside the DEO. Both Kara and Leah looked around, wondering where on earth were they.

"Where are we?" Kara inquiries, scrunching her eyebrows together as she pointed around.

J'onn glanced down at the two confused blondes, "The Department of Extra-Normal Operations."

Leah held up her hand, "Hooooooold up. This is the DEO?"

"Yeah," Katie answers, popping her knuckles, flopping into a comfy chair.

Kara squinted her eyes at her, "This has always been here? With the glass and the views and... And you made us fly to that cave every day!" Her finger turned to Katie, "You knew?"

"I was an Agent before a Superhero." Katie gave them a shrug, pushing her hair back from her face, she felt like cutting it shorter.

"DEO has several facilities."

Leah pursed her lips, "A bat bit me in the last one."

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I got rabies."


Alex noticed the approaching group, "Hey, sis."

Kara almost flung her arms in the air, "You knew about this place, too?"

"Yeah, it's like a block from my apartment. It's kind of like the old place. Maybe better."

Katie couldn't help but smile a little bit at the irritation Leah and Kara had, "Well, where's the men who fell to Earth?"

Kara walked around the two men laying on the medical beds, "They have to be from Krypton."

Leah shook her head, "I'm not entirely sure, I do recognize one of them though."

Katie looked at the male with the longer hair, "Yeah, because of the time I linked with Leah I recognize his face as well."

Kara continued her pacing, wanting to know more about the men, "They must have escaped before the planet exploded like we did."

"Don't forget Clark." Leah pointed out, biting down on her nails.

"They're comatose." Alex held a needle in her hand, "They're vitals are stable. Breathing is normal." She knelt down slightly to press the needle into one of their skins, but the needle broke as she pressed it against his skin, "There's nothing else we can really learn from him because-"

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