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Kara placed a hand on the male in front of her, speaking softly, "I know what it's like to be a stranger on this planet. So when you wake up, I'll be here for you. So, you never know what it's like to be alone."

Gasps filled the room as both males sat up at the same time, Kara and Katie were taken aback by the sudden movement. Allowing the men to get the upper hand and throw them back.

Katie grunted as her back collided with the glass frame behind her, she cursed when shards entered her skin. She glanced at Kara who was thrown as well, except she had no cuts on her. The alarms went off when both heroes were thrown, alerting every agent in the building that something was going on.

Instead of apprehending the men, Kara moved to Katie, helping her, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah." Katie winced when she pulled a shard out of her arm, "I'll heal."

The alien that had thrown Katie turned back in his running, to look at the brunette he had just injured. The other had not even bothered to turn and see how Kara was, he was making sure the other alien was with him. Katie suddenly felt her body being drained, knowing that these men were either unknowingly draining her or doing it on purpose to slow her down.

Agents were running around, the red light only making Katie shut her eyes. Alex went running with her weapon after them, "Hold it right there! Don't move!" She aimed it as both men glanced back at them, "Freeze!"

Katie looked with wide eyes at the men jumped from the building and out into the street, running away from them like they were the danger. Katie stood in the light and allowed her body to absorb the energy to she healed her cuts. Her arm flew over her shoulder, digging a larger piece of glass from her back as she cried out from the pain of it.

"I sure picked the wrong time to get rid of all my Kryptonite." J'onn wanted to curse at himself but his attention went to the young ladies, "Are you two alright?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm just a little shaken up." Kara answers him, she wasn't expecting the two to be so strong after being asleep for such a long time.

Katie winced as she felt her wounds slowly healing, "Fuck." She breathed out, "I'm good, where are they?"

Alex sighed heavily, threading her hands through her hair, "He disappeared into the city."

"Which is just what I don't need. A rogue Kryptonian on the loose just as the President is due for a visit."

Kara blinked at the news, glancing over at Katie as they followed behind J'onn, "Wait, the president is coming here?"

"Yeah, she wants to tour the DEO while she's in National City to sign the Alien Amnesty Act."

Kara beamed at the news, despite having two rogue aliens on the loose, "It's amazing, an executive order allowing aliens on Earth to come out of the shadows and live as full citizens. She's making history."

"Not in my book." J'onn didn't even look back at Kara, "I think she's making a big mistake."

"Now, how can you of all people say that?"

"Because it's been my hard experience that humans and aliens don't mix."

"What about you, Leah, and me?"

"What about us? We can look like them, we blend in, a lot of aliens can't. And people in this world don't have much tolerance for others who look different. I say that as an alien and as someone who's worn the face of a black man for 15 years."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2018 ⏰

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