Chapter 1: party mystery ;)

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Chapter 1

Mariana's p.o.v

My eyes open gently. It was warm and the perfect temperature. I had just woken up, like every ordinary morning. Just the same old thing, nothing new. I felt an arm wrap around my waist. It felt warm and lovely and I smiled at the thought. It was quiet cute. I couldn't help, but blush a little. I just want to lay here forever and cuddle all day. Yeah, that seems lovely. But, something was off... Something didn't feel right. My head feels a little hazy. I'm laying in a world of confusion. "Wait, where am I", I wondered. I slowly turn my head and look around without moving. On the floor lays a bottle, but I couldn't see what drink it was. It surely was some sort of alcoholic drink. Right beside it lays my floral dress and... my... bra?!? What are my clothes doing on the floor? I just came to the realization that I was naked and I didn't know why. Where am I? What is this strange place? Well, I have to admit, this is actually a lovely place, but I don't know what I'm doing here or how I got here. Who's house is this anyway? My thoughts were shattered when I heard birds chirping outside. I Almost forgot that someone was laying in the same bed as me. Who's arm was that I questioned, and are they naked too?!? I started to panick inside. Terrified, I slowly moved away and turned around knowing someone was in bed too. I got off the bed without waking the person up. I grabbed my clothes off the floor. I slipped my bra and dress back on. I grab my high heels that were across the room. I didn't put them on because I would wake the person up if I walked in them. Before I left, I wanted to take a peek at who was in bed. I crept over very slowly and quietly, and I see... Luke Hemmings? I blinked a few times and looked again. I couldn't believe my eyes. The boy I had a crush on all throughout high school? I thought he didn't know that I even existed! He never said a word to me before, and here I was, leaving his house after realizing I slept here... naked. I tip toed out of his room. "Hello dear, you must be Mariana" some woman said to me. She must be his mother. I think her name is Liz, maybe Lizzy, or even Elizabeth. I'm not sure. I've never met her before. She gave me a heartwarming smile. Wait a minute... What the Fuck? How does she know my name? We never met each other before! I just realized I never replied to her. "Hi" I managed to say back with half a smile. "Tired?" She said, chuckling lightly. "Yeah, sorry" I said back. "Are you looking for the bathroom?" She asked me. "No, I'm actually trying to find my way out" I told her. She showed me the way to the front door. I thanked her and left the house, before Luke woke up. I got in my car, buckled up, put my key in, and started driving home. I turned the radio on, and my favorite song Story of My Life was playing, but I was too shocked about everything to notice and sing along. I couldn't believe what happened. "Was I drunk last night ?" I wondered. Why else can't I remember why I was in Luke's bed, and why was I sleeping naked with him? I pulled into the driveway. It was 9:03 a.m., so I tried to sneak in without my mom knowing I was out the whole night. If she finds out, she'll be mad. I'm a 12th grader, why do I still get grounded? My mom is such an over protective parent, and it's frustrating me. I slide the key into the doorknob and walked inside. "Mariana, is that you? get in here please" my mom called from the kitchen. "Coming" I called back. "Where were you last night? Why didn't you come home at 10:00 p.m like you said you would?" To my surprise, she wasn't yelling at me. She was talking to me quite calmly. I had to quickly think of a lie. "I'm SOO sorry. I was at Lisa's house. We were watching a movie with our friends and we all fell asleep in the middle of It. Please don't ground me!!! I'll even do extra chores to make up for it!!! "Ok, I won't ground you" my mother chuckled. "Just go to your room and finish your homework that you left for today" she told me. Wow, she's in a good mood today. But, I'm glad she's happy. I could have been in so much trouble. Especially if she found out I slept with a boy, and if she knew we were naked, she would KILL ME. I walked up to my room and plopped down on my bed. I was a mix of emotions. I was like every color on a mood ring. I'm completely confused about what happened last night. Did I sneak out to a party, because my mom thinks I was at Lisa'a house. And the biggest mystery of all, what the FUCK was I doing naked in Luke's bed?!? I won't admit it, even to myself, but I'm a little happy about it. I finally got noticed by Luke!!! Ok, now I'm blushing and I won't even try to stop myself. I had a huge crush on him all of last year, and he FINALLY knows who I am. But the question is, how did I end up at his house? Well, maybe that's where the party was. Well, his house is kind of big. But I just don't get it. He never even looked my way, before last night. He is such a hot boy, and I'm just a potato who lives on the Internet 24/7. What made him change his mind about me? Why did he NOW notice me, after trying to get his attention for so long. I'm going to make it my mission to find out what happened last night and what happened between me and Luke.

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