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There once was a time where magic roamed the land. When the world was without form, a time in which magic was the only thing that could be called "real". The universe was a deep plane of obscure emptiness. It cannot be explained, not even the mighty dragons know what it is, where it came from, but.... The one thing that they knew was that magic is, and will always be, the source of everything we call "Real".

The magic force was a current that shifted to its own will. It could become nothing; it could become light, fire, pure energy. Legends say that the first form they took are those incredibly mysterious voids in the vast universe. "Black hole" is the general term that humans gave to such forms.

One day however, the current grew so strong that it created something, everything, nothing...

It's impossible to know how long it took, time was a variable that couldn't affect the currents of magic. It shaped massive spheres and filled them with whatever it wished. It created land, oxygen, nitrogen--it created everything. It gave shape, it gave light—it gave dark...

No one can explain how it did it, but it simply did. For eons the lands remained empty, no creatures, no beings. It seems magic got bored, because eventually it gave birth to something else. Creatures of pure magic, the representation of how it looked at itself, how it believed it should look like. Majestic creatures of different measurements and colors, each representing every aspect of magic itself. Fire, Water, thunder, wind, earth, darkness, light... There was no end to it. The creatures flew the land, their majestic wings producing a thunderous roar with every flap. Their scales shone like gems, their tails became immense beacons of pure strength. We know few information about them, they died so long ago...

It's a dear shame my dear, would you like me to continue?

"Yes mother!" the kid pleaded.

Eventually, like magic, the dragons became bored. They rested at their tall mountains, deep valleys, dark caves and abysses for eons. They found no amusement in life, for war was not an option. There was this one dragon who was different however. It came from the obscure dragons. He had no name, not because he couldn't think about one, but because he was different. He slumbered at the deepest of caves and never went out, never. Legends say that he didn't know how the world looked like. Regardless of this, he created life. With fire came life, death, destruction... He gave birth to the first race the world would see...

Deep from his abyss, crawling from the intensity of his dark flames, humans were born....

Lustful, devious, humans spread like a plague. They build powerful citadels and eventually turned against each other. There were those who didn't find such art amusing. The dragons who fed from the life-force, those who could only be described as light-- the other dragons found amusement on this, for they were used to seeing emptiness.. Those dragons who fed from the life-force truly believed in beauty and grace, so they gave birth to their own, the Elf's.

Eventually the other Dragons started to create their own specie, and suddenly the world was flourishing with wildlife. Every single creature that exists was given birth to by the dragons, all but one. The cursed.

Humans were envious of the Elf's and Dwarfs who could use magic without a problem. They felt deep jealousy as both races built their fortresses within mountains and the deepest of forests and flourished their empires in a manner of minutes. The fact that humans did not have the capacity of using magic, eventually drove them to seek certain methods which would prove fatal.

They kidnapped both Elf and Dwarf. They chained them up in deep caves and experimented on them, day and night. They tried to extract the secret, but they always failed miserably. At the time, the human citadels were but a mere shadow of what the rest had become. Next to the Dwarven dungeons and Elfish forests, their castles were nothing...

No one knows how, but something was different, something was odd. One of the kings had come across this strange black substance whose origin was never revealed. That substance ended up being what created The Cursed. It spread like a plague, contaminating everything that it came across. Human, Elf, Dwarf, Lion, Tiger... It didn't matter to it, it simply scattered at such a fast paith, that the dragons had to intervene. They gathered the twelve most trustworthy human families of the Human Empires. Those who worshipped the Dragons—those would listen to their ways. They created a seal, and bestowed upon each of them a key to open it. With that simple motion, every magic being was trapped inside an alter dimension, and everyone forgot, everyone but those twelve families.

Years later, the seal was broken. Magic and beast was released into the earth.

"What happened then mama?" Asked the kid anxiously.

Well my dear, your father and I, with the help of many people such as your aunt, we put a stop to it. Want to know how my dear child?

Yes please!

Here's how..........

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