Chapter 4: The Meeting

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Abel woke up in a round, white room. Several electrodes were attached all around his body, while a few machines constantly measured his status. Quartz pillars were alligned around the walls of the room, and a jade green round table with a pitcher and a few cups occupied its center. Abel stood up and removed the electrodes, throwing them to the ground. He reached for the door, almost as white as the room itself, but was unable to open it.

--I'm at the academy's hospital he said.

Next to his bed he saw a cabinet. He opened it and found a fresh set of clothes and his sword on the top of its counter. He wondered if there was a bathroom nearby, but was unable to see a second floor. He got dressed. He changed his hospital rags for a light blue shirt and black jeans, with a black jacket with a red insignia on it, his family crest. The family crest consisted of two dragons merging into one, and at the top of the fusion was a golden blade. He remembered his grandfather used to say that was the Excalibur, the fame magical sword of King Arthur. Then again, he knew it was only a legend.

Abel reached inside his pocket and found his phone. It was September the 8th, 6pm. A reminder was stuck on the screen: "Family meeting, 7pm", it read. Abel sighed and walked towards the door, but failed to open it. He engulfed his hand with flames but felt an awful trembling.

--I used too much energy, huh? He said.

He called off the flames and unsheathed his blade. Positioning himself infront of the door, he slashed the doorknob in half, but didn't manage to open the door. Resulting to more extreme measures, he cut the door in several pieces and walked out of the room. The hospital wing was lit with bring yellow lights and pillars spread around the white walls. Several chairs were alligned between the doors of each room, and signs leading to the nurse's and doctor's office hanged from the room. He started to walk.

After a few minutes Abel managed to find the exit. Nobody had recognized him as a patient, probably because of what he was now wearing. He opened the doors and walked out of the hospital, surprised to find how dark it was outside. He checked his phone again; it was 6:30 pm.

--It took me so long? He sighed

He stood still as a small tornado was forming below him. Once it was fully formed, Abel propelled himself upwards. He admired the view as he flew through the city. The hospital was really close from the academy, a few minutes he figured. It didn't take long for him to reach the city walls, not even a minute. He was still far, however. The family estate rested a few hours north of the city. It was a one-hundred square mile territory situated north of the city.

After the war with the cursed ones, The Union, former United States, Canada, Japan and China; became one country. No cities were named differently, however there was no longer a division by states. The government which ruled the Union was a democracy, something that caused great clamor with the Chinese population, but they adapted quickly. Washington remained as the capital of the country.

It took Abel ten minutes before he finally saw his family estate. Golden walls arched through the limits of the property. Several hundred guards were spread around throughout the estate, and several others patrolled through the outside and the walls themselves. The manor stood at the very center of the Marquise's state. It was a four story castle that occupied about 20% of the entire territory. It was basically a miniature city. The manor was very similar to the Château de Chambord, no; it was actually a copy but with added golden linings. Several houses, shops, towns guards and restaurants surrounded the manor.. The Marquise estate had become a small city in a few years, but only the rich were allowed inside.

Abel landed in front of the front door. He engulfed himself in flames and changed into a black suit with a white shirt and red tie, a classical attire. He then pushed the doors open and walked forward. As he walked towards the main hall, Abel checked his phone. He had several missed calls from Amber, and had received an email with the hospital receipt.

He reached the main hall door and slammed it open. A large table stood at the center of the enormous room. At the upper end sat his father, his mother at his right and his sister at his left. An empty chair sat right next to his sister. The rest of the table was occupied by several aunts and uncles, and a few of the elder cousins. Everyone was surprised to see Abel attend the meeting, but he quietly sat down and ignored the greetings from the people in the room.

--Straight to the point, Abel shouted.

The room fell silent. Abel's father stood up, looked at everyone in the room and stood there for a second. Finally, he said it: The cursed ones are back.

Chatter filled the room as everyone grew worried with the news. Abel's father kept talking...

--The cursed ones managed to open a brief hole on the dome. It lasted for one minute, but they managed to squeeze about 1 million cursed ones. It is still unknown where they are headed, seems that with time they managed to find a way to make themselves untraceable.

How? Someone in the room asked.

--We think that they are working with a rogue group of magicians. For some time I personally have been tracking their efforts. They are a small terrorist group by the name of Alpha. Their names are unknown, but their leader is thought to be an S-class magician, 3 members roam around A-class and the bulk is B-class. We believe that they are responsible for the breach, and that they are leading the cursed ones into one of the city's in the union.

What is their purpose? Asked Abel

--Unknown. However, they are terrorist; they probably want money and attention. Anyway, thats all for today. Thank you for coming.

Abel stood up and walked towards the exit, but his father quickly grabbed his hand. "Congratulations, my son" said his father. Abel pulled free of his father and walked out fo the room. As he walked outside the main hall, Abel was approached by the family butler, Sebastian.

--Your room is ready, young master. Will you be staying the night here?

Sure, Abel sighed.

He walked to the stairs and headed to his room. The halls of the manor were decorated with an endless array of ancient paintings, some drawing to thousands of years ago. He reached the top floor. Its hall was divided into two parts, the right wing, where his room stood; and the left wing, where his sister room stood. Abel opened the door to his room and founded just the same as he had left it. Several weapon racks with different blades decorated the right side, while several paintings and an 82" TV decorated the left side. His bed sat in the middle of the wall the glass wall which faced the outside of the house.

Abel turned off the lights and went to bed, all he wanted to do was sleep. Much to his disappointed, his sister Melanie barged into his room. She turned on the lights and headed straight to Abel, hugging him as she reached him. She was crying, her cheeks turned red as tears covered her eyes. Abel knew it was his fault, so he hugged her back. Overusing energy could be fatal, all magicians know it. Fainting the way he did was a sign of how close to depleting his energy stock he was. Without energy left in the body, it dies instantly. People often mistake magic with the power of some god, but not being careful with it can prove fatal.

Abel let go off his sister and slowly lead her to her room.

--Sorry. He said

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