5) F o r g o t t e n R a i n

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October 13th 2088

There was a storm today, one unlike any other. We have called it an ash storm, it's been going on for a long time, and I wonder if it shall ever end. I hate how it looks, it's almost beautiful- like a black snowflake, but its murderous, my aunt touched one for a mere second, but a strange and concerning black mark seemed to be moving up her finger. Neither my brother nor father have returned, and though nobody in this now quiet house has made it official. We know they are dead. Lately I have been doubting my own sanity, I space out a lot these days and I can't seem to think straight. My sister is like an escape for me. When I hold her it's like the whole world disappears, and I have discovered my best spent days are spent with her. She truly does suit her name, and I'm glad I gave it to her.

I couldn't remember the last time I had smiled, but I do remember that that was all I seemed to be able to do when I was running around with this guy, guy, that was all I could use to refer to him. He had kept his name a secret from me for whatever reason, and when I did ask he told me to just call him 'handsome' I just laughed it off and we left the topic alone after that.

We had gone around the entire city, exploring the buildings and schools and gardens.

"And this is the museum" he began, "if you want us to checkout we can but..." He poked his tongue out "it's kind of boring" he finished. I laughed at his twisted expression as he looked at it.

"Well where to next then" I ask.

He gave an over exaggerated sigh of relief before chiming with a now joyful expression "The park!" and grabbing my hand to pull me forward, breaking into a run.

"I thought running in this city is a minor offense" I said in between my ragged breaths.

"Eh, no worries, I can get out of it" he says shrugging it off. I rolled my eyes at him. He suddenly halted, his grueling pace coming to a top. The suddenness of his feet stopping sent me flying forward towards the ground before he tightened his hold on my hand and pulled me up. I clutched my chest and took deep breaths to regain my posture.

'Handsome' looked down at me with amusement. "You good there?" he asked snickering at the end of his sentence. I glared up at him but didn't retaliate. "We're finally here, this is my favorite place in this city" I lifted my head to look around. A slight breeze rustles the leaves next to me making them fall to the solid ground one by one. The air is warm, despite the darkening sky, and I reach my hand out to touch the gorgeous beams of sunlight glowing on my skin. A vast amount of gorgeous flowers are spread around the park, and they perfectly complete the freshly cut green grass. The pathway is nothing more than dirt littered with random rocks. I look around with a smile and see Children are playing and the parents talking among each other. It looks so normal, so nice.

I frowned. I shouldn't have gotten so caught up in the fake warmth of these people- no- aliens. It was stupid. These people were dangerous, they were murderers. My newfound friend looked down at me with confusion, probably noticing my sudden change in demeanor. I shook my head at him and his facial confusion only seemed to grow but he didn't push me for answers, instead he grabbed my arm and gave it a gentle pull. I looked up at him, "Let's go take a seat, shall we?" he questioned, already pulling me towards a nearby bench.

"I didn't say yes" I mumbled quietly, but I didn't argue further as he sat me down next to him. The bench was fresher than the torn branches or the grass, the wood bright under the sun and raindrops beaded on the perfect varnish. I wiped them off with my hand, sighing as I did so.

We sat in silence for a couple minutes before he spoke up, "So..." he began casually, playing with the end end of his shirt, "What's your favorite colour?" he finished, glancing at me curiously. I giggled at his conversation starter, feeling a little guilty when his cheeks tinted pink.

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