chapter 6

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Author note,,   Nope not this time,,

Just a small POV of Lucas and then over on Misty,

Just enjoy it,




****Lucas's POV****

''You're kidding, right?'' Alex said, and I nodded.

''Yeah, I'm not kidding. I knew she was a bitch, but this....''

''Man, this is shocking. I never knew she was like like this. I mean, she looked so innocent and kind. But there is still one thing that is bothering me. How does she know?''

''You're asking me? You should ask her. And that's why I want you to keep a close eye on her. I can protect myself, and you know that. But she can't. So please, Alex, just ignore the orders of my dad and follow mine, just this one time, please....''

He let out a sigh and looked at me while shacking his head. ''Okay I will, but you explain her the situation, deal?'' I nodded in response.

''I will tell her tomorrow, and you are coming. If you want it or not.''I said and smirked at him. ''See you tomorrow.'' He nodded and made my way back to my room.

****Misty's POV****

I was sitting on my bed with my headphones on. My eyes were out on the sea while I was listening to the music. A smile came on my face as I remembered about today. My hand grabbed the necklace and squeezed it. It may sound weird, but it is almost that I can feel him near me. It was like I could feel his heartbeat through it.

I let out a sigh and looked through my music. I found a song of a dutch dance movie and turned on. My body started to move on the beat and get off my bed. The was shinning in my room and made it glow white. I was dancing around my room and flipped my hair to the back. Once the song was done, I took a shower and made my way to bed. I closed my eyes and fell asleep with Lucas in my mind.

A loud clashing woke me up, and I was wide awake. I heard Yasmin whimper and walked out of my room. She was sitting on the floor with broken plates on the floor. I shifted my wight on one leg, placed my hands on my hips, and raised an eyebrow. A smile came on my face and shook my head.

''Not again, ha. Let me do the cooking before you burn down the whole island.''

''I'm sorry, Misty,' she whinnied. ''I wanted to surprise you!''

''You can do that sometime later. Now come let's clean up and we make breakfast together.'' She nodded and helped me clean and make breakfast. We sat down at the table and started to eat.

''And how are things between you and that guy?'' She asked me with a smile on her face.

''What boy do you mean?''

''That boy who was here last time, when I got home drunk with a boy''

''You remember?'' I gasped.

''I do. So now tell me.''

I blushed and looked down. ''Well, we aren't dating, and we aren't a couple either.... we are friends... I guess'' My heart started to hurt by thinking of him as a friend. But my feelings for him were more than that of a friend. Was I in love with him? I barely knew him for four days and met him years ago once.

''I looks to me you two are. You two are perfect together, and you know it. On top of that, he is pretty. Come on, girl, go get him.''

before I could say something, the doorbell rung. Yasmin stood up and opened the door. She walked back with a big smile on her face.

''Your boyfriend is here'' she said and walked to her room. I started to blush as Lucas and another boy walked into the room. It was the same boy from that beach party the first night. A smile came on Lucas face, and I smiled shyly back. Butterflies came in my stomach.

''Morning,'' he muttered and turned away with a red face. I looked down and saw I was still in my pajamas. I turned even redder than I already was and stormed over to my bedroom. running to my bathroom and turning on the shower. I took one to calm myself down. Once I was calm, I dressed myself and walked back to the living room.

Lucas and that boy were sitting on the couch waiting for me. My cheeks were still a bit red, but I ignored it. He stood up and walked over to me. He cupped my face and planted a light kiss on my lips.

''Misty, meet Alex. And Alex meet Misty'' He said and the boy stood up.

''Hi'' he said and quickly moved his hand up and down like a wave.

I greeted him back, and we sat down. I poured in something to drink as we kept silent. Lucas looked somehow nervous, and Alex was looking around. I wanted to ask them and who they are, but Yasmin was still her.

''Come, let's go for a walk'' Lucas said, and Alex and I nodded. I said bye to Yasmin, and she wished me luck with Lucas. I blushed and walked with the boys out of the apartment. We walked towards a small and peaceful beach. they stopped, and they looked around.

''What's wrong?'' I asked and looked worried to Lucas.

''Don't be mad at me about this, but I can't see you for a while'' He said and looked hurt.

My eyes went wide and stared at him. Alex walked over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

''He is doing this to protect you. Their is someone we know, who knows about him being in love with you'' Alex said, and I looked at Lucas. He loves me? Did Alex just say that he loves me?

''Alex!'' Lucas snapped at him, but he ignored it. A very red glow came on his face

''His father has made an arranged engagement for him, and she found somehow out about the two of you. She had threatened him to hurt you, and she would leave you alone as he dates her. Even if he doesn't want to leave you, I will protect you until we know more about her.'' Alex said, and I fell silent.

Was I in danger? And what was even more imported right now was that Lucas was in love with me. My heart started to race in my chest by the thoughts of it. I could imagine Lucas and me together. I was in his arms, and his kisses were perfect. It made me feel complete.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Lucas cupped my face and kissed me. I was immediately in heaven. His lips felt so good on mine, and now that I know that he loves me, it makes it even feel better. He pulled away and started in my eyes.

''You must know, Misty. That I only love you, and I always will. You are the only one I want. Not that bitch of a Lana. But only you. So I hope you will trust me in this and I will came back as soon as possible.'' he said.

''I love you too and I trust you'' I said and I let out a sigh of relieve.

They both needed to go home and left me here standing alone. There was a rumbling sound in the sky and I looked at it. Dark clouds came this way and I made my way back home. I was almost there when it started to pour. At home, I took off my wet clothes and filled the bath. I poured in some scented oil and soap and stepped in.

I slit underwater and take a deep breath. I laughed that it also worked in the bathtub. But one thing was bothering me. Why does the name Lana sound so familiar.


Lana and Misty, do they have a connection with each other, or....

read it in the next chapter,  


stay tuned,

Loves me, XX

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