Chapter 21: It was a Good Trick

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The Black Fairy laughs evilly as the dust of the crystal ball slowly falls from her hand onto the floor. Crystal stares on in horror, her mouth agape and her breath comes out heavily. Gideon stands up from the attack, stunned over what had just happened. His heart filled with much remorse that he never got to tell his mother he loved her. He couldn't believe that he'd been forced to work for such a black-hearted woman. Granted, he had no choice at the time, but now he could see how truly evil she was. The woman did not hesitate to kill many innocent lives, including her own son. He immediately turns to his sister who is still laying on the floor.

"So, ends the residents of Storybrooke, all that is left is to give me the darkness..." Fiona announces, cackling to herself mostly.

However, her granddaughter's breathing gets quicker and quicker almost like she's laughing. A smile forms on her face as she stands up from the floor. Gideon looks at her with much confusion and anger, considering that their father and his mother were just killed, along with everyone else she cared about. Crystal's laugh begins to get louder and louder until it echoes off the walls of the exhibit. It sounds joyful and happy, despite the horrific event that has just occurred.

Fiona is taken aback by this reaction considering this girl had put her life on the line to save everyone, but she seems to be rejoicing over their deaths. Perhaps she truly was evil, or the dark side had taken over completely. She might have to switch puppets now.

"What is wrong with you?" Gideon shouts at her. He clenches his fists. If his sister truly was evil, he'd rather feel nothing. He's about to rip the locket off when Crystal's hand comes up and stops him.

She looks at her brother with gleeful eyes and then smirks.

Suddenly, there is movement behind them. Rumpel's son turns to see everyone rising from the floor. He blinks hard to ensure he's not hallucinating, but sure enough, everyone from Storybrooke and the other enchanted lands are helping one another up off the floor.

"Mother!" he shouts and rushes to her. His father is helping her to her feet and he embraces both of them tightly.

"G-Gideon?!" Belle asks in confusion.

"It's me mother, I'm back," he says.

Rumpel's eyes go from his son's chiseled face to the locket around his neck. He reaches out to touch it before he looks at his daughter still standing in the doorway. She looked triumphant.

Hook helps Emma to her feet and the two kiss once more. Charming and Snow do the same, wrapping their arms around one another. Regina hugs Henry tightly, while Zelena cradles her daughter gently. Aladdin and Jasmine hold onto one another while Anna kisses Kristoff before embracing her sister. Merida gathers her bow and arrow, arming herself in case there is another attack, while Mulan greets Dorothy and Ruby. Ruby embraces her Grandmother tightly while Archie and Marco talk to August who has been returned to adult form.

The moments of happy bliss are quite short lived as Fiona looks on in bewilderment.

"T-That's impossible!" she shouts.

Her outburst has everyone on guard, all those with magic raise their hands and everyone else arms themselves with whatever they can find.

The Black Fairy stares at the now angry crowd of people very confused about what has just transpired. Crystal smirks and faces her grandmother once again.

"A-All of them should be dead!" the fairy shouts. "I-I crushed the life source... t-that crystal ball..."

"Oh, you mean this?" Crystal asks, pulling the pulsating orb from her pocket. It glows a very bright red as she holds it up for everyone to see.

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