The Little Sister- Zach Herron

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Description: In which Logan Paul's baby sister tags alone on his summer adventures with the WDW boys, falling for the youngest member in the process

Part One

I took a deep breath, smiling as I took my first steps outside the LAX airport, the warm summer air hitting my face as I couldn't help but break into a grin. Since I'd just turned 16, Mom finally agreed to let me spend the summer with my big brother, Logan, at his place in L.A. I'd been begging and nagging her for a couple years now, ever since Jake and him left Ohio to pursue acting, and finally that long-awaited day had come.

I scanned the crowd of people rushing from place to place, looking for that one familiar face. After a few minutes of searching, my eyes landed on the tall, muscular young man with blonde hair, and an American flag t-shirt draped across his chest. I broke into a smile, laughing as I sprinted towards him, his arms outstretched.

"Logan!" I screeched, giggling as he wrapped his arms around my waist, spinning me around in circles as I dropped my suitcase in the process.

"YO IT'S MY BABY SISTER!" He laughed, finally setting me down as I fixed my now windswept hair, giving him a playful shove.

"It's been forever!" He inquired, stooping down to gather my things as I nodded, adjusting the straps on my Maverick backpack (he would've killed me if I hadn't been wearing it).

"It's been 2 years, but that's basically forever." I retorted as he smiled, walking my things over towards the Uber parked along the street right outside the entrance.

"Yeah, well, Mom always said you were the smart one." He quipped. I laughed, shaking my head.

"What does that make you?" He smirked, opening the passengers door for me before sliding in himself.

"The talented one." I rolled my eyes playfully, shaking my head.

"And Jake?" Logan laughed, buckling his seatbelt and giving directions to the Uber before turning towards me.

"The other one." I laughed, shoving him slightly for his chiding comment. Logan smiled, only shrugging.

"Soooo, it's your first official trip to L.A.! What'dya wanna do!?" He asked.

"Hey, technically I've been to L.A. before!" I defended. Logan shook his head, pulling a bottle of water out from his bag and handing it to me.

"The airport doesn't count." I pouted slightly as he rolled his eyes.

"What's this for?" I gestured towards the water bottle now in my hands.

"This isn't Ohio, kiddo- it gets hot as hell here sometimes. Need to stay hydrated." He commented, pulling an even larger bottle out for himself. I chuckled, rolling my eyes.

"Stop being such a dad."

After we got back to his apartment and I'd unpacked in the guest bedroom, I made my way out into the living room. Logan had left about an hour ago to do some promotional work with Jeff, but he'd planned on being back around 2 in the afternoon so we could go out exploring. I'd just turned on the T.V. which was, in my personal opinion, way too large to ever be necessary, when my phone buzzed. Pulling up my home screen, I found that it was a new text from Logan.


Just got outta the Uber- be there in a minute :)


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