The Melody in My Head- Jonah Marais

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Pt. 2


7:38. It was 7:38 in the morning, and I was wide awake, clutching my phone in my hands as I prepared to power it on. I took a deep, calculated breath. If I don't move a single muscle, maybe she won't wake up, and I won't have to deal with this right now. I powered on the phone, the apple logo lighting up my screen as I prepared to deal with the worst. Maybe it won't be that bad. Maybe it'll just blow over, she'll get a few compliments, and that'll be the end of it. Maybe it won't be that drastic. As soon as I'd pulled up my home screen, however, I knew that was far from true. My phone was cluttered with texts from management, missed calls from family, and about a million missed calls from Y/N's best friend, Y/BFF/N. I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose as I prepared to open Instagram. Before I even checked the popularity of the post, my feed was filled with fan accounts reposting's of the video, as well as edits and mashups of it scattered across the Explore page. Great. I was officially dead. I might as well tweet my farewell apology now.

Pulling up my profile, I hesitated, before tapping on the video post. 11. Million. Views. 85. Thousand. Comments. Not only was I officially dead, I was officially going viral. Well, my girlfriend had, anyway.


Rolling over in bed, I smiled, not bothering to open my eyes as I extended my arm to wrap lazily over Jonah's still sleeping figure, only to have my arm hit the empty space of the right side of the bed. Opening my eyes, I furrowed my brows as I slowly sat up. Jonah was never up before me. Pushing myself up into a sitting position, I rubbed my eyes.

"Jonah?" I murmured softly, still waking up properly. What time was it? Had I just drastically overslept? I checked the alarm clock beside me. 8:02am. Pretty much the same as usual. I sighed, running a finger through my Y/H/C hair as I got out of bed, folding the bedspread neatly behind me as I went. Sliding my feet into a pair of fluffy, baby blue slippers, I made my way downstairs. I don't remember Jonah mentioning an early recording session, or promo interview today. When I got to the living room, it was completely empty, which was normal for the boys on a day where they didn't have anything planned. I peeked into the kitchen. There, sitting on the counter top in a pair of black Calvin boxers and Nike socks, was Jonah, huddled over his phone. I giggled, shaking my head as I made my way towards him.

"Morning, early bird." I smiled. He jumped, startled by the noise as I raised a curious eyebrow.

"Whoa, calm down, not a burglar." I retorted, feeling odd that Jonah had reacted in a manner that was the complete opposite to his usually so lenient personality. Jonah laughed softly, shaking his head as his eyes darted back towards the phone, turning it off and setting it face down on the counter top.

"Hey, sorry I didn't hear you get up." He mumbled. I stepped forward, standing in between his legs as I gave him a peck on the cheek.

"Maybe you just weren't expecting me, since I usually get up before you." I laughed, shaking off the moment as I headed toward the cabinet to grab a coffee filter. Jonah forced a laugh.

"Yeah, guess I couldn't sleep."

"Something on your mind?" I asked without bothering to look as I grabbed the ground coffee beans and scooping them into the pot. Jonah was silent a moment.

"Y/N I-"

"Oh, don't tell me- you're pregnant!" I interrupted, laughing as shook my head. Jonah smiled, shaking his head quietly. I smiled, giving him a confused look as to why he hadn't laughed, or made some sort of comment about my obvious joke.

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