Dating Jonah

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Would entail...

- Teaching you the correct way to swing a baseball bat by standing protectively behind you and wrapping his arms around yours

- Resting his chin on the top of your head whilst bear hugging you (the boy's 6′1 bless)

- Teasing him during his vocal warm ups and causing him to laugh because he can't help but smile when you're in the room

- Bringing sleeping bags out into the backyard and talking about everything under the sun whilst watching the stars and snuggling up in one of his hoodies

- Trying to cook eggs for breakfast as a thoughtful gesture, but having him explain the correct way to prepare eggs the entire time until you eventually give up and let him do it because he owned chickens, and therefore considers himself "the egg master"

- Going into stores and finding the most ridiculous outfits to try on and laugh about, without actually purchasing a single thing- infuriating the salespeople in the process as you leave the shop after hours of joking about terrible articles of clothing

- Getting used to the idea of ordering two of the same meal when going out to eat because he always ends up eating more than half of your first entree, so you have a back-up order waiting in the wings

- Knowing that he will always stick to his word, even if it's inconvenient, because he prioritizes you and if he says he'll be somewhere or he commits to plans with you- he means it

- Listening to music softly, after hours when the whole house has gone dark, and slow dancing with your feet propped on his (size twelve again bless) so your faces are more aligned, and smiling when he smiles because it's contagious like laughter and spreads like sunshine

- Constant and full support and encouragement, because he believes in you and every dream you've ever had -even when you don't believe in yourself- and when you have doubts he gives you this big lecture that he knows will make you smile about how he's just a kid from Minnesota who followed his passion and never gave up, so you should do the same

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