Intro About Beth, Ivy, Hope, Jess, Harley, Josh, and Oli

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Full Name: Brittany Crystal Odinsdottir/Stark/Udonta

Nickname: Beth

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Blue

Family: Odin(Father), Frigga(Mother But Later on, Decreased), Thor(Younger Twin Brother), Oli(Adopted Little Sister), Loki(Adopted Little Brother), Howard(Adopted Grandfather, Decreased), Maria(Adopted Grandmother, Decreased), Tony(Adopted Father), North(Adopted Uncle), Aria(Adopted Aunt), Hope(Adopted Cousin), Jess(Adopted Cousin), Yondu(Adopted Father), and Peter(Adopted Brother).

Friends: Ivy, Hope, Jess, Oli, Harley, Josh, the Guardians, the Avengers, the Guardians of the Galaxy, and more.

Speice: A Goddess and Bionic.

Her Goddess Abilities: Same as My Other Beth Stories.

Her Bionic Abilities: Same as My Other Beth Stories.

Goddess of: Bravery, Beauty, Mischief, Fun, Thieves, Strength, and Power.

Crushes: Rorke, Steve, Ben/Kylo Ren, Bunny, Jeff, Loki, and Thanos.


Full Name: Ivy Flower Walker

Hair Color: Ginger

Eye Color: Blue

Family: Elias(Older Brother), Hesh(Nephew), and Logan(Nephew)

Friends: Same as Beth's

Speice: A Born Mutant

Her Born Mutant Abilities: Nature

Crush: Ben Drowned


Full Name: Hope Dragon Clause

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Green

Family: North(Father), Aria(Mother), Jess(Little Sister), Howard(Grandfather, Decreased), Maria(Grandmother, Decreased), Tony(Uncle), Beth(Adopted Cousin), and Oli(Adopted Cousin).

Friends: Same as Beth's.

Speice: A Born Mutant and Bionic.

Her Born Mutant Abilities: Fire Powers and Flying.

Her Bionic Abilities: Teleportation and Ice Powers.

Crush: Dark Link.


Full Name: Jessica Wonder Clause

Nickname: Jess

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Blue

Family: North(Father), Aria(Mother), Hope(Older Sister), Howard(Grandfather, Decreased), Maria(Grandmother, Decreased), Tony(Uncle), Beth(Adopted Cousin), and Oli(Adopted Cousin).

Friends: Same as Beth's.

Speice: A Born Mutant.

Her Born Mutant Abilities: Elements and Flying.

Crushes: Eyeless Jack and Jack Frost.


Full Name: Harley Lynn Woods

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Brown

Family: Peter(Father, Decreased), Margaret(Mother, Decreased), Jeff(Twin Brother), and Liu(Little Brother).

Friends: Same as Beth's.

Speice: Human.

Crush: Laughing Jack.


Full Name: Joshua Nightmare Black

Nickname: Josh

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Blue

Family: Pitch(Father) and Ashley(Mother)

Friends: Same as Beth's

Speice: A Born Mutant

His Born Mutant Abilities: Nightmare Black Sand Powers, Teleportation, and Flying

Crushes: Jane and Tooth


Full Name: Olivia Elizabeth Laufeysodittir/Odinsdottir/Stark/Udonta

Nickname: Oli

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Green

Family: Laufey(Father, Decreased), Farbauti(Mother, Decreased), Loki(Younger Twin Brother), Odin(Adopted Father), Frigga(Adopted Mother But Later on, Decreased), Beth(Adopted Older Sister), Thor(Adopted Older Brother), Howard(Adopted Grandfather, Decreased), Maria(Adopted Grandmother, Decreased), Tony(Adopted Father), North(Adopted Uncle), Aria(Adopted Aunt), Hope(Adopted Cousin), Jess(Adopted Cousin), Udonta(Adopted Father), and Peter(Adopted Brother).

Friends: Same as Beth's.

Speice: A Goddess and Half Frost Giant.

Her Goddess/Half Frost Giant Abilities: Illusion Manipulation, Teleportation, Flying, Light Manipulation, and Ice Powers.

Goddess of: Light and Kindness.

Crushes: Sandy, Hoodie, and Rocket. 

Brittany or Beth Odinsodttir/Stark/Udonta Ak Captain Marvel and Black CatWhere stories live. Discover now