Chapter 2

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(Alright this is my almost first time writing out an erotic dream liek this and I'm sorry if it's not good, I promise to do better later on in the story.)

Chapter 2

I moaned into my pillow as the black haired demon traveled along my naked body.

"Don't hide it Ash." was all that the demon said before coming in contact with my harden member. I gasped as he played with the head.

"N-no..." I moaned again in pleasure and I felt the demon grin as he took my whole length into his mouth. I bit my lip to keep from moaning again but I couldn't help it, it was just to much. "I-I can't..." I closed my eyes tightly as I gripped the sheets, my ears twitching as i felt my pleasure rise. "D-Damien!"

I came into his mouth and Damien swallowed it, then climbed back on top of me and placed his lips roughly on mine. Despite my heavy breathing, I eagerly kissed him back.

He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance but I didn't give it to him. He ran his hands down my sides which made me gasp and he took the oppotunity to explore the inside of my mouth. After a bit, our tongues were in a battle of dominence and we all know who was going to win that: Damien of course.

Damien slid down his pants without breaking the kiss and I hadn't noticed that he put his member at my entrance until he broke the kiss.

"D-Damien what are you d-doing...?" I asked him, really nervous and kind of scared.

"Don't worry my pet." he said as he thrusted into me.

I woke up screaming, a tear slid down my cheek. I looked around my room to find me alone and my pants wet. I was breathing heavily as I tried to shake off the dream.

"T-that dream..." I shivered slightly and got up and then looked out of the window to see it was still dark out with meant it was only around midnight or so. "I've never had an erotic dream like that about anyone, let alone a demon, and a boy no less..." I whispered to myself

I stood up and walked into my bathroom, deciding to take a quick shower and then take a walk around outside. I took my clothes off and stepped into the shower, turning it to a warm tempurature that was more hot than cold.

After the shower, I brushed through my hair, got dressed and walked outside, enjoying the last warm air of the summer nights.

"What a beautiful night." I mumbled, looking up into the dark sky.

"Indeed it is." I heard a familiar unwanted voice behind me and I jumped once again. Gosh! Why did I have to be so jumpy around him?!

"S-stop doing that!!" I growled and turned around to see the familiar black haired demon, the demon I had the erotic dream about. I shuddered as I remembered the dream in full detail.

"Stop doing what?" he asked, grinning.

"Nothing, nevermind." I mumbled and looked away from him. Why in the world would I have a dream like that about Damien? I barely even knew him and he gives me the creeps!

Damien walked towards me and lifted his hand to my tear stained cheeks and I flinched at his touch.

"What are you doing out here at this time of night?" he asked me.

"I could ask you the same thing." I mumbled.

"Well, I'm a vampire." he grinned at me and I looked up at him.

"Y-you're a v-vampire...?!" I backed away from him. I had a dream about a vampire!? The worst type of demon when it comes to stuff like that! I learned that they can't control themselves around anyone like that.

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