What if you saw him dancing

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Guess who's back! I got 12to 16 mistakes in most of my exams!

That isn't good....

You were walking home from a stressful day, since your boss William T. Spears (See that?) Made you work overtime. You arrived at home just to hear loud music blasting through the house that you and your boyfriend(That's what she said!) Itona shared you followed the music.

You arrived at the room. You were right INFRONT of the door. You opened the door a bit to take a peek only to see Itona......Twirling around, You flung the door open making Itona's eyes widen in shock he blushed heavily "(Y-Y/N, Hey, what's up?" He said, you bursted out into laughter walking to him before grabbing him by the collar and kissing him, a few seconds you pulled away "Dance more often, You're good at it Itona." He gave a small smile and said "Care to join?" He asked with a wink
You blushed slightly and took his extended hand "Sure" You replied completely forgetting about your stressful day. Let's say you two danced the whole night. If that was EVEN possible....

I'm back minna... About this book I'm not sure if I should continue this..Tell me if I should guys! Help me! Jk Anywho  what do you guys think about What If scenes? And about the lemons......I changed my mind I dont  and definitely CANT  Make one. Thank you and that's all

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