Ready for the road trip?

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Honestly Ryan couldn't sleep, he was so caught up in thinking that he was in that book!
Ryan rolled around in the fluffest bed he had ever been in and sat there.
Not very fun is it? No. He finally got up and went to look around
For enjoyment, he walked threw the halls but surprisingly there were no
Guards, probably because this hall had nothing special but he pressed on.
Soon he headed down the stairs but quickly stopped for there were guards
In the next hall, the guards weren't supposed to be there they were just with
The princess and he heard them have a small talk.
"Princess Charlotte are you sure you're okay with this?" One of the guards asked.
"Of course I am! I have told you before that I am braver and stronger then I look!" The princess resured them.
"But princess what happens if you die?" Other guard asked.
"Hmm, if Goneadorn is not beating and is too close to the kingdom then assume I am dead, and put the next
Strongest wolf in charge for when I am gone and if I don't make it." Charlotte commanded.
"Yes princess." The guards said and bowed.
"Good, now I need you guards to look after the boy," the princess said.
"Ryan? But what about his family?" One of the guards asked.
"You can get as much information you want but he really confused me." She rolled her eyes.
"Wye what did he say?" Another one asked.
"He said that he fell asleep and woke up here and a traveler brought him here." The princess said.
"Umm..." They were all silent, because how do they respond to that?
"I don't know what's wrong with him, he has strange clothes but maybe he as a concussion?" The princess asked.
Ryan was a little upset on how they were talking about him but he knew that he was even confused
On how he got here, but what if they right? Is he going insane? Maybe. But no.
"Well you can go to your postes I will leave at dawn." She commanded.
They walked away and so did the princess Ryan went to where they were.
It had the same carriage that they threw him in the chase, it was packed
With bags and baskets of food and more, Ryan didn't care he was tired.
But he climbed into the carriage and the gate shut behind him
Without him knowing and he grabbed a apple but before he could do any
Thing he pasted out sleeping on one of the bags.

Ryan slept for longer then he should have, he woke up by a ton of
Bumps from were ever he was sleeping. We're was he sleeping?
He lifted up and saw him in the back of the carriage, or wagon?
Anyways he saw that that the wagon thing was MOVING?!
he got up almost tripping because it was moving and looked
Around  and he saw Charlotte riding in the front he panicked
And fell, Charlotte heard him panic and turned around.
"Ow." Ryan groaned, he had feel in the bags he slept in.
"What are you doing here?!" Charlotte nearly screeched.
"I honestly dunno." He said getting up, Charlotte stopped her
Horse that was carrying the large wagon.
"How did you get here Ryan?" She said turning around.
"Well uh um I guess because I fell asleep in here." Ryan shrugged.
"What do you mean? I had the guards take you to a guest bedroom."
Charlotte was confused but also angry, Ryan could tell by her voice.
"Well I guess I slept walked." Ryan lied, he didn't want Charlotte
To kick him out that would just make things worse.
"I can not have you with me! It's dangerous around here." She was pretty stressed.
"Then wye did they send you? No offense or anything but your their princess and
Your a woman so if I were them I would-" but Ryan stopped when he noticed
Charlotte was more red then her scarf.
Ryan was sitting on a rock as Charlotte pasted back and forth trying to
Figure out how to fix what Ryan had done.
"Uh Princess?" Ryan studerd.
"Not now." She said, still thinking.
"Can't you just take me back to the kingdom though?" Ryan asked trying to help.
"No! It would take hours for me to get back and I will behind." She scolded.
"Well wye are you leaving?" Ryan asked out of boredom.
"Because of Goneadorn," she said pointing at giant black smoke from miles away.
"He's trying to take over the land and I need to get all of the leaders back together
To stop him, and just because I'm a girl does not mean I can not do it." She finished.
"Wait leader's? What are their names?" Ryan said getting up, he was sure that they would be
The same leaders he read in the book from before.
"Rocky, Phillip, Rosie, and Diana." She said quickly.
"Yep I'm in that book!" Ryan blurted out.
"What? What book?" Charlotte asked.
"Oh um nothen, anyways wye can't I just done along?" Ryan asked.
"Because it is dangerous, and I do not have time to make sure you are alright." She signed.
"Well I'm that young as I look, and I can help with reading the map!" Ryan said, although none
Of it was true, he was young and could really get hurt but maybe if Charlotte trained him
He could be a great Adventurer and this could be a way to get home.
"Well I do not know, how old are you?" Charlotte grinned.
"Uh, 18!" He lied, just so he could go along and he was pretty tall so Charlotte believed him.
"Hm, maybe you can go." She nodded. Ryan was finally gonna go somewhere.
"Great! Where to?" Ryan said running and hopping on to the wagon.
"Heaven Sky." Charlotte said pointing on the map,
Now Ryan was definitely sure he was in the book.

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