A poem.
The sun shines and the birds fly.
But do we know what makes it ply?
Keeping aside the comfort,
We jump in the sea of dirt,
Sea full of hard workers,
Full of competitors.We dive in it hoping to reach our dream.
Filling our hearts up to the brim
Making a decision, we jump,
Pushing through the waves,
Fighting the whales,
Defending ourselves,
Fighting our hails.
Neglecting the small smiles,
When covered a mile.
Punishing ourselves to not have a joyous sway,
Untill have reached the end of way.We concentrate on the shore,
Forgetting the importance of the struggle before,
We neglect the sea of struggles,
Just blinded by the determination
To overcome the muddles.But alas! My dear folks,
Its not the shore that is the core!
Its the sea that is the core.
The sea makes you brave.
But only the shore is what you crave.
The sea brings you love and life,
Brings you true friends and wife.
Its the sea that,
Teaches you important chapters of life.By Jessica Swans
Hidden Book Of Thoughts
DiversosThe book consists of poems and verses and articles copied directly from the writer's head.