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"No kook, that's where you're wrong." Jin stepped back and smirked. "You're just jealous that you weren't worthy enough." He shrugged and tapped the wall.

"Oh Y/n~ why don't you step out from the shadows and show Jin what you really are?" Jungkook laughed and stared at the corner that was covered in dark shadows. Jin watched in amusement in disbelief as she walked casually out of nothing.

"Jungkook, what did I say about not telling him about the shadows?" Her bright eyes turned black as she glared up at Jungkook. She took one last step towards Jungkook before she pulled him by his waist. "You know the rules daddy." Her nails dragged down Jungkook's black shirt.

"Daddy?" Jin felt a pang of disgust run through his body, realizing how awful that word now sounded.

"You know I can't help it baby girl, I love the punishments." Jungkook's dried blood covered hand ran down the girls cheek.

"Well, I guess I'll have to change the punishments then." She carefully stepped over Jungkook's dead father, over to Jin. "Hi baby boy~" her eyes turned back to the bright color they were before as she stared up at Jin.

"Y/n" Jungkook growled as her hands wrapped around Jin's neck. Her nosed brushed against Jin's as she looked at Jungkook through the coner of her eye. Jin made strong eye contact with Jungkook as he brought the girls lips to his. Deep down he knew he was probably a side dish, but this moment was too good to pass up.

"This is my punishment? Oh no I'm so scared." Jungkook mocked, squatting down to the dead body. "I think I'll chop you into pieces, I'll chop you both up... then I'll bleach and bury." He nodded to himself as a sick smile appeared on his face.

Her lips detached from Jin's as she looked at the other boy. "Maybe Jinnie can do something better~ He seems to be better than you." She flipped her soft hair as she walked circles around Jin. Her hand ran around his body as she looked at him in more detail. "I like looking at him up front instead of the shadows in his room." Jin frowned and grabbed onto her hand, bringing her into his body.

"You could have came out of those shadows anytime."

"It's not fair!" Jungkook threw the knife at the wall next to Jin. "You were mine and I was yours! I did everything, I beat the game, I did what you said! What does he have that I don't!?" He yelled loudly, his knuckles turning white from his fists.

"I got bored of you, but Jin... he's something truly different."

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