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     Torrential downpours fill Los Angeles. The smell of the refreshing rain filled the air. The humidity was strong. Very, very strong.

All I could hear was raindrops on my window and the tv in the background. The raindrops sounded like hail, but it was raining significantly hard outside. I was on my phone so I decided to text my best friend Amara, she didn't answer.

I miss seeing her. She's always working. We used to always hang out on weekdays and weekends. She would stay over my house and we would get Starbucks, watch movies, and just have some girl time. But things have changed. She works on weekdays and weekends now. I miss her existence around me.

It was raining very little outside now so I decided to take a walk. I love the smell of fresh rain on the ground. There was steam all over the street and sidewalks. While I was walking, I saw fall decorations on houses. Fake leaves, orange lights, fake pumpkins, and scarecrows. My favorite season is autumn. I'm not a fan of scary things at all. My favorite things about autumn is the decorations, and the of course the pumpkin spice flavored drinks.

I walked into Starbucks, and surprisingly, there was no line so I ordered a pumpkin spice flavored mocha. It was so good. I found a booth and sat down. I then heard a bell of the front door opening. I look up to see my best friend Amara walk in. She was with two guys, two attractive guys. No Jenn stop it, you have a boyfriend.

"Omg Jennifer!" Mar screeched and ran over to hug me. She basically attacked me and we both fell on the floor. I started to giggle and hug her tightly. We laid there for about three minutes. We haven't seen each other in months. I giggled again and said "I missed you so much Mar". We both got up and dusted ourselves off and hugged again.

We finally let go of the hug and she had tears going down her cheeks. Wow, I can't believe she missed me that much. I giggled and said "oh Mar don't cry". I kept on giggling and wiped her tears with my thumb and hugged her one more time. "Thanks" Amara said while sniffling and laughing while looking down.

"Oh sorry Jennifer" she began. She never ever called me Jenn. She always called me Jennifer, but it's fine because she is my best friend and she can be, um, very unique. "Oh sorry Jennifer, this is Ethan and Grayson, they work with me" she smiled. "Hi, I'm Jenn, well Mar calls me Jennifer, but I'm fine with both" I giggled. I noticed that they were twins and I couldn't tell who was who but the one with the birthmark on his chin said "Jenn, what a beautiful name" he smiled and I blushed. The one with the birthmark on his cheek just had rosy red cheeks while smiling to the ground. He didn't say anything.

"Jennifer do you want to come over to my house tonight? We'll all watch movies and eat pizza! We'll have a movie night!" She said excitedly. I giggled "Sure, but I need to go home first and shower". Mar giggled "okay, well you know where I live so you can just walk in when you decide to show up". "Okay, well I'll see you guys later". "Bye" they all said as I walked out the door.

I walked home and went upstairs to my bathroom. When I walked in, I saw my boyfriend Jack, crying. "Baby what's wrong? Why are you crying?" I was so nervous. "I'm sorry Jenn, I would've told you sooner but I have another girlfriend." he said while crying even harder. "What?" I said with worry in my voice. "Jenn, I'm seeing another girl". My heart, my whole heart tore in half. No, it tore into pieces. "G-get out" was all I managed to say. "Jenn, I'm so sor-" he began before I stopped him. "GET OUT" I screamed pointing to my bedroom door. He finally left when I heard my front door slam.

I slid down my bedroom door putting my hands over my face while I was bawling. All I do is try to be a good girlfriend and he treats me like this?! I never want to see him again.

I got up and wiped my tears but I couldn't stop crying. Before I got into the shower, I put on the song 'Dark Paradise' by Lana Del Ray (a/n: queen b) and left it on repeat. I got into the shower and just started singing the song with my okay vocals. My voice was cracking a lot because he didn't take my tears with him, in fact, my tears were bursting out of my eyes to the point that I couldn't see anything because my eyesight was blurry from all the crying.

I got out of the shower and grabbed my dark purple towel to dry myself off. I was finally dry so I put on a light grey sweatshirt with dark grey leggings and some really comfy slippers/shoes. My hair dried so I put some detangler in my hair to smooth out the knots. I brushed out the knots and threw my hair into a messy ponytail.

I started to walk to Amara's house and I opened the door seeing Ethan kissing some girl on her couch. I felt so awkward just standing there watching the make out "sesh" going on between them. Amara came to the door and pulled me upstairs to her room.

"Amara who was tha-" I managed to say but Amara interrupted me. "Dude, I have no clue. She came over with Ethan. She must be his girlfriend". Well duh, they were making out on the couch. "Yeah she must be, cause she was making out with Ethan on the couch". "Ew, it's on my couch too." I giggled. Just then, somebody knocked on the door, Amara got up and answered it. It was Grayson.

"Guys, she's gone" Grayson said while putting his hand on his chest laughing. "I can't stand her Amara, she's such a bitch." I giggled. "Is Ethan gone too?." Amara asked. "No, just that bitch." I giggled once again. "Well, then lets order some pizza, make some popcorn, and get movie night started." She said while throwing her hands up in the air. "Yay" is what me and Grayson both managed to say.

gn bbies, I'll try to update in the morning

Hope you enjoyed chapter one! Ilygsm


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