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name) Truadis

age) depends

gender) male

species) half dragon shifter half wood/forest elf

sexuality) bie

personality) cuddly, friendly, odd, funny, loving, not many things get to him

looks) pick about...

likes) hugs, his friends, his brother and family

dislikes) getting dirty looks, someone TRYING to make fun of him

weaknesses) his family, over protective

strengths) his powers and being a dragon

ocupacion) home with mum and dad

family) brother Keeran, dad Geer, and mum Marzella

past) has always been overly loved and cuddled and has been starting to gain his ability to speak any and every animal and magical being powers but its coming a bit slower. Has never taken a unsalt personally and just brushes them off, but if someone said that same thing to his brother he would very much so hurt them.

other) ability to talk to anything except humans other then English. Has plant like powers, can turn into a dragon, same powers as his dad

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