Vegene - The New Story

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Last day before the apocalypse, I found myself within the corpses, thinking I was only dreaming when I touched those filthy corpses, it's real; that's what I'm think of. I step out from those corpses, there's nothing, it's a sea of corpses only, what else? Having my step landed on those fleshes, it's awful, it's like passing-through swarm of zombies just, in the condition of death. The ground smells rotten, I closed my mouth. Walk like an champ who won the battle? Meh, I can't say that.


I tripped on a child.

'Mommy… mommy… where are you… mommy… I'm scared…' hugging a big teddy bear, looks old, cried out so loud, 'Mo…mm…y…' unstable walk, that child slowly collapsed to the ground, the dirt water splashed, watering the whole body of that child. Silence, my heart beats so fast, what now, what is it? I came closer to that child, oh just realized by now, a girl; I thought she's a boy earlier. She looks weak and fragile like little birdy fell from its nest,

It's cold,

Really cold,

Stoned, pale and white like snow, rough and fleshy alike doll. Nearing my hand, I was surprised,

No heart-beat,

What now, did she died?

My heart thumped, when I rolled her over, her eyes,

Bloodily painted, there's nothing that could describe her, it were like the only word enough to describe is,


She may not be dead yet before she pull my sleeve a little by little, she scratched my arm, and I realized; she tried to bite me off. I pushes her away, she hit up a boulder there, thinking she might had her neck broke, I walk away. It's not, she's chasing me, with such speed above human's average, caught me. I slipped, that's an ouch, I tried to kick her but she able to endure it. Then I found some sharp shard around, well of course for self-defense, I threw it over, headshot. It started raining, the rain washes away the stink, out of my expectation, she were able to stand again. No jokes here, first I thought she were living dead, zombie but now, I don't really know what she is, I can only say; she's a monster.


A mouth mumbled like a worm, bloods dripping,

I quickly stand up, running for my life, as I go far enough,

I wake up,

Oh well, a dream, huh? Now I'm facing the reality, a real apocalypse world with no more human living exceptional for few survivors.

'Wake up already?'

Sand-voiced, it was Roger, my old friend.


I scratched my head, gosh, having this dream repeatedly it's not a good thing like hell, 'Say, any new thing here?' I looked at surroundings for a while, 'Nothing, just killed a vegene,'

Well it's vegene, a "branched-family" of zombie, like one I dreamed at my shitty dream. Roger throws over a mug of beer, 'Have it digested well to gain energy,' He prepared ammos and else, 'Thanks,' The question are, from where the heck he got the beer?

After having full preparation, we set our steps out, well, no more fresh air out there.

It's been one year for me, living like a stray, I took a cigarette out of pocket, it's the last from 3 I have; I lit up with match, the fire's small but enough for me to blow some cloud, perhaps some before we stop at a convenience store. Nothing special at there like other buildings does, blindly-black, 'Should we check?' Roger rubbed his little shotgun, 'Should we?' he asked for the second time, '…' what am I thinking, I think nothing but I am thinking, 'We… should, I think,' I giggled, 'Got it,' Roger stomped at the door hardly and it blew, hit on the racks, meh, he always like that, sick.

'Moron, what if vegenes came?'

'I'll push you to them then, but I won't,'

He burst out of laugh, did he joked just now? May not.

Inside were so dark, I can only see few shards of glasses that were reflected by light, I picked some of it. Ah, now what, vegene are here as I thought,


Gunshot, shined through the darkness, it hit the vegene as I expected.


Roger shouted an me, realizing actually, there's few of those vegene coming for us, including outside. Now what, how we can get out of here, if we kill them by shots; the percentage of being alive is 40%, if the shot hit exactly on their weak-point. If we run, only 5%, so the only way, one must die but I won't let it happen. I have my brain squeezed so hard, meh, I can't think a way out,


Not again, he shoot them again, shit; it causes voices that lures them over!

'M-Moron! If you shot them, they'll come for more!'

Roger smiled at me as he got the way,

'Stand at the top of the racks,'

Huh? Did he mean to stand on the top of the racks, great, I'm afraid of height even the ground's nearby.

'You know, I'm afraid of height!'

'… If you want to die, go ahead,'

I reconsidered his words earlier,


I climbed the racks and reach the top, oh so that's what he think, I forgot; vegene are slow, the won't climb for top. I crawled across the racks when I reached the exit door; vegene's waiting there.


Where's Roger, did he…

'Hey, lend me a hand!'

Roger shouted at me, I almost fall for exit,


I lend my hand out, Roger try to reach it, it's quite the distance before I see, his back; there's vegene, there is.

'Your back, jump on now!'

Roger looked confused, 'Huh? What's the matter…'

'Just jump…'


Blood spreading over, he's being bitten, bitten by an vegene. Craps, once get bitten, he's not human anymore so,


Kill, would reduce his pain right, so should I kill?


His voice faded, slowly dissolved within the crunch of the vegene, now I see, maybe kill him is the best way.


Ah, let me wait till he died then, he won't feel any pain. I'm a bit serious, huh? But I was terrified enough, I had enough of this.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2014 ⏰

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