Chendy: Dance

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A:N: This is for Day 2 of Chendy week, for the prompt dance! No one requested it I just felt like writing it, but I hope you guys like it!

Fairy Tail Intermediate was practically buzzing. The 8th grade dance was in a month. Loads of girls had been asked, and not to mention in really cute ways. With a big sign, given balloons, One girl, even had gotten asked by a guy who had given her a basket ball with "don't shoot me down" in silver sharpie.

Wendy huffed, her chin propped up on her hand. It's not that she wanted to be asked, well maybe a small part of her dreamed about it. She could always go with a group of friends. Less drama that way, and it would be more fun. Or she could stay home and eat ice cream while watching a rom com.

"Wendy!" Fingers snapped in front of her face.

Wendy startled back looking up at her best friend, Chelia. Chelia was always cheerful and sweet. She had her dark pink hair tied in pigtails with ribbons. During middle school Chelia had grown some more lady like chest features. Wendy wished she had. She was as flat as a board. One guy had told her that. Wendy had to hold back both Romeo and Chelia when they tried to use violence. Chelia had gotten a detention for screaming profanities at the him when the boy ran away.

"Why you looking so glooming?" Chelia asked hands on her hips.

"Nothing." Wendy said, ignoring Chelia's unimpressed look.

"Oh my god guys!" Kinana squealed sitting down at the lunch table. She was practically bouncing. Kinana was usually a pretty quite girl, Chelia was the one with energy. Kinana had close cropped purple hair with a green bow clipped to the back of her head. She was in choir with Chelia and on the cheer squad.

"Did you drink happy juice again?" Meredy's voice dripping sarcasm, headphones over her ears, the attack on titan symbol stood stark on her hoodie that she had over her school uniform. Meredy had short pink hair and was never seen without some kind of headphones. She'd had plenty of emo slurs thrown at her but Meredy didn't seem to care, she would just flip them off.

Kinana scowled. "No!"

"What happened?" Wendy asked curiously, leaning forward in her seat.

"I got asked to the dance by you know who." Kinana whispered excitedly.

"WHAT! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!" Chelia flailed her arms around.

"Really?" Coco asked eyes wide. Coco was really nice. She had brown hair in a braid with a sports headband over it. She was the fastest runner on the track team. Wendy couldn't believe how she could move like that. Coco could probably be sitting at the popular girl table but she chose to sit at the their table instead.

"Why would Voldemort ask you to the dance? Ow!" Meredy was elbowed by Chelia.

Wendy eyes were wide as saucers. "Erik asked you to the dance?"

"Yeah he did!" Kinana beamed. Erik was the local trouble maker. Always in detention. He did have that bad boy appeal. But he seemed nice, so Wendy didn't know why he got in trouble. (Chill Erik's same age)

"I don't know Kinana, he seems kinda edgy." Beth said uncertainty, she had her light brown hair in pigtails, braided to the back of her head. Beth has a bit of a country accent when she talked. She moved here from the south a year or so ago. Beth was always nice but could be a bit of a worry wort.

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