Chapter 2- The Dinner

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Keyton's POV

After hanging out with Tyler at the Grill I start going home. On my way I get a text from Elena aaying that we're having dinner with a new kid. I say that I'm on my way and start riding my bike faster. Yeah, I don't have a car but I'm only 15 I can't drive yet.

I get to my house and go inside and see Elena and Bonnie in the kitchen attemptimg to make food. "Ladies, move aside I got this, just prepare the salad." I say to them with sass. "Ok, Mr. Proffessional cook we'll back off." Bonnie says in surrender and her hands up. I go over to the stove and start to make some pasta. When I'm done I put the pasta into 4 serving bowls.

I just put rhe bowls on the tabl when the door knocks and Elena tells them to come in. And a guy, a really cute guy comes in and smiles at Bonnie and I. "Hey, I'm Stefan." He looks at me. "I don't think we've met." I smile at him, "no we haven't, I'm Keyton one of Elena's younger brothers." He smiles back. "Well it's very nice to meet you." I look up at him, "It's nice to meet you too." We all go to the table and start to eat. Sometime during the conversarion Stefan said something about how witches are a sign of independance and individualism. Bonnie smiles and say's, "Yeah they are."

I smile at both of them when I hear the door knock. I excuse myself to go answer it. I open the  door to see my bestfriend Croline Forbes with a mysterious stranger behind her. "Hey Keyton!! We heard that you guys were having dinner so we brought desert!" She says holding a pie. "Aww, Care! That's so sweet of you!! Who's this by the way?" I say looking at the blue eyed stranger. "Oh! This is Damon; Stefan's older brother and my brother." I look at him and he smiles, "It's nice to meet you. May I come in?" He says as Caroline walks in.

"Of course you ca-" Stefan interrupted, "No he can't, right Damon?" He said coming over to me. I look between them and I can feel the tension between them, so I decided to end it. "Stefan, I think Elena needs your help in the kitchen. Damon you may come in." Damon smiles and walks in, "Thank you Keyton." I smiled back, "You're welcome Damon."

Everybody went into the livingroom while I stayed to wash the dishes, as usual. I don't know why but I fell like I'm different from everyone else. I like to stay away from everyone and I always wonder why. Oh well, there's always going to be a black sheep in a family. I don't know why but I feel some tension in the livingroom. I go in to see whats going on and I see Caroline and Elena looking intensely at each other.

"What's going on, what's wrong?" I say putting my hands on my hips. They both look at me and say nothing. I sigh and go over to pick up theif cups and plates then go int the kitchen and start to clean them. After I'm done I teel Elena that I'm going to bed. She say's goodnight and I go upstairs and crawl into my bed. It was nine and Tyler usually text me goodnight at nine-thirty.

It's ten now and Tyler still hasn't text me. 'Whats going on?' I ended up passing out and gong to sleep.

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