Introduction ☁︎

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When you look at someone random for the first time in your life

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When you look at someone random for the first time in your life. Do you ever think what might be going on inside their head?

What they might be thinking when your eyes meet, and you start to memorize their face? Their words, or even when you hear their voice for the very first time?

It's always bubbled inside me, what they might be thinking when they see my face, because I'm always thinking when my eyes meet theirs.

Like the one person in particular. The one person who's always boggled my thoughts, and everyone's around him.

Some people come and go in your life, like an ocean wave crashing down on the stable sand, but him. Oh he was different. He was like a tornado. You'd hear about him, and prepare, but you'd stand no chance. He'd still be able to run into everyone, blowing them all away, causing them to hang on to those around. Stirring up anything's and everything's emotions, blowing them out, creating a horrible mess.

Twelve years ago.

"Raina! Will you please get your brother's box of toys from the car? I've got my hands full with Jason." My mother's calm, and soothing voice stated, as she bounced the little boy, Jason who was three months old at the time, on her hip gently. 

"Yes mama!" I remember shouting, as I happily obeyed my mother's ask, skipping back to our minivan, we were at the time, unloading.

You see, twelve years ago we moved to this small, and quiet town from Chicago, Illinois. I was at least five years old at the time, with my three younger brothers ranging between three mouths and three years old.

I was the oldest. And proud of it. I enjoyed being in charge, and having the weight of my younger siblings on my shoulders, and I liked the responsibility. And I liked telling people what to do. 

I was also excited to be moving away from the loud and busy city, to Organ, that's supposedly so different. And for me it was. Seeing all the green and life, compared to all the tall boring buildings, made it look like a whole other planet in my five year old mind.

As I picked up the box that was almost as big as I was, in my arms, I remembered noticing the house bedsides our new one. It was old, and small. The roof looked as if it were going to collapse any second, with its broken white, picket fence trembling as vines clung on to each board. To add, the back yard was full of over barring trees and plants. Overgrowing and overbearing, as if no one has ever stepped foot anywhere near it. It reminded me of a jungle, or a house you would see on one of those hunted shows. Making me curious to know what it looked like inside.

After I had finished bringing the box to my mother as she had asked, I ran outside into the back yard like any child would once they've bought a new house. And it was even more intriguing for myself since I never had a backyard to play in, I had lived in a tiny apartment my whole, small life.

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