Chapter 3 - Neverland

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Here's the third chapter! Sorry it's been a few days, I'm SO BUSY with school!! - B

You woke up in the middle of the night to a noise. This was normal. Sometimes it would start raining, or you would hear Red (as a wolf) run by, or Archie would let Pongo out and he would wander into the woods.

But what wasn't normal, was that whatever woke you up was flying. And it was big. You weren't sure what it was, so you stood and picked up a big branch to defend yourself. 

There. You saw two glowing eyes staring at you from behind a tree. What is that thing? You held your branch up. Suddenly, it flew straight towards you.

You dropped your branch. Is that... no. It couldn't be! But it looks so much like...

The thing grabbed you and flew off. You screamed as you looked down and saw Storybrooke below you. You looked up at what was holding you. It was what you suspected. Peter Pan's shadow?!

This was too much for you to handle. You squeezed your eyes closed and prayed for it to end.

Suddenly the shadow dropped you. You opened your eyes and spit out the sand that was in your mouth. You stood up and... wow. In front of you was a beach. The ocean! You loved the ocean.

Wait, am I really in Neverland?! You thought. This must be a dream. You pinched yourself. "Ow!" You cried in pain. Okay, it wasn't a dream. But how can you be sure you're in Neverland?

"I know!" You said to yourself. You read in your book that in Neverland you could imagine anything, and it would appear. You held your hand out and closed your eyes. You thought of the first thing that came to your mind. Chocolate. You squeezed your eyes tight and believed that there was a piece of chocolate in your hand.

You opened your eyes and gasped. There, in your hand, was a piece of delicious chocolate! You put it in your mouth. "Mmm...."

You turned around and saw the woods. You didn't hesitate for a second. You took off, almost dropping your backpack in the process.

"I'm. In. Neverland!" You screamed at the top of your lungs. You didn't care if someone heard you or not, because this was the happiest moment of your life.


It had been a few hours, and you had already found a place to sleep, imagined some more chocolate, and imagined a dagger, just in case. You also had some fun and imagined a pretty cool belt to hold the dagger.

You were sitting quietly when you heard footsteps behind you. You pretended not to hear, but discreetly picked up your dagger. Then, you turned around quickly and pushed the person against a tree.

It was a boy. Wow, he was pretty tall. He had dirty blonde hair, (and it wasn't just dirty blonde, it was dirty) and a scar under his right eye.

"Who are you?!" You asked him, holding the dagger to his throat.

"Calm down, sweetheart." He said with a voice that gave you chills. He smiled eerily. "My name's Felix. I was sent by Pan to collect you."

"Pan?" You questioned. Peter Pan?! Why would he want you?!

"Peter Pan, honey." Felix smiled again.

"I know who he is, and don't call me that." You said, closing the distance between the dagger and his neck. You were getting annoyed quickly. "Why does he want me?"

"How should I know?" Felix said. "He just sent me for you."

"Well, Felix," you said, "tell Pan that if he wants to see me, he has to come for me himself." With that, you pushed Felix back in the direction he came from and sat back down.

Why would the Peter Pan want to see me? You thought to yourself. It must have something to do with why I was brought here, but why did that happen?

Hope you liked it! And is Felix a CREEP or what?! I know Peter's not in here yet, but he'll be here in the next chapter! See you then! - B

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