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I wake up to loud slams of doors. I walk out of my room to find a confused Andrew and Josh standing there.

"Okay what did you do?" I put my hands on my hips.

"Nothing!" They said. I just laugh and walk into Jake's room.

"What the hell Jake? Manners much" I say, annoyed.

"Sorry. Andrew and Josh poured cold water on me to wake me up" he apologized.

"Just know that, waking me up isn't pretty" I say, walking out. I look at Andrew and Josh. "And you two, NEVER WAKE ME OR JAKE UP WITH COLD FREAKING WATER!" I yell.

"Yup. Don't. Ever. They are evil horrible people" Payton jokes.

"Shut up Pay" I roll my eyes. We all go downstairs to eat something. Andrew and I have eggs while everyone else has cereal. We walk into the kitchen.

"Over-easy or scrambled?" I ask.

"You know that answer. Scrambled" he laughs.

"Then get me 4 eggs out, a bowl and fork" I say. I put up a pot of water for Payton and I. We always have tea in the morning. When Andrew hands me the stuff I needed, I start making the eggs while he puts the toast in. We finished at the same time. We then laughed.

"Here ya go" I say, handing him eggs.

"Here's your toast" he hands me my toast. We sit down and start eating. Josh's phone starts ringing.

"Hold on a sec" he answered it. "Hello? Hi mom. Yeah. Andrew and I are at Jake and Bri's house. Okay. We won't. Love you too". Did I forget to mention that Josh and Andrew and twins? Heh oops. They are though.

"What did mom say?" Andrew asks.

"Just not to get home late" he said. Andrew nods and finishes up his eggs. Payton and I are jut laughing and talking.

"He really said that?" She asked.

"Who said what?" Josh said.

"That Jake said that a girl we saw at a family reunion was hot... thinking it was a friend of our cousins or something. She ended up being our cousin" I said, laughing.

"We were 10!"

"Still" I laugh, along with everyone else.

"Kay I'm bored" I say.

"Same" everyone else agreed.

"And tired because we got RUDELY AWAKENED!" I say, glaring at Andrew and Josh.

"It was Josh's idea" Payton said

"Thanks P" I say. "And Josh," I say, going over to him. I sit next to him and 'flirt' with him. I play with his hair.

"Mhm?" He says. I see Andrew's fist clench, along with Jake's. I pull Josh's hair and slap the back of his head.

"Never. EVER. wake us up again. Unless your dying or the house is on fire" I say.

"Yes ma'am" he says, scared. I just laugh.

"Josh I was kidding" I laughed. He nervously laughed. Jake and Andrew still have their fists clenched. Payton puts a hand on Jake's shoulder that makes him relax. I go and sit back to where I was sitting, next to Andrew. I put my hand over his under the table. I feel him relax and unclench his fists. I squeeze his hand reassuringly. Jake, Josh AND Payton all have told me that Andrew likes me. I don't really see it though. I see him only as a brother really. And nothing more.

"Bri, James and Derek texted me earlier. They said that they're coming over later" Jake says.

"Yay!" I say, happily.

"Who's that?" Josh asks.

"Jake and I's friends since I was in pre-school. I met them there and Derek has an older sister" I say.

"Yup" Jake agreed.

"Jake did they tell you that they're dating someone?" I ask.

"NO! My wittle brothers are growing up" Jake fake sobs. I just laugh.

"Well they are. Their names are Dylan and Katie" I say.

"Dylan as in?" Josh said.

"Boy. James is gay while Derek is straight" I say. He nods. We go and sit on the couch, me sitting next to Andrew.

"You okay?" I whisper to him.

"What? Oh yeah I'm fine. Don't worry" he whispers back.

"You sure?" I say.

"Positive" he fake smiles. I give a small smile and lean my head on his shoulder. About 3 hours later, James and Derek come over.

"James! Der!" I give them both hugs.

"Hey Bri. Where's Jake?" They say.

"I actually don't know. That's a first" I say. "Come in" I say, moving out of the doorframe. They walk in and see everyone.

"Derek! James! My two favorite siblings!" Jake says.

"I'm right here!" I laugh since I know he's joking.

"Yeah well your short. How's Mia?" He asks. Mia's Derek's sister.

"Still single. Don't worry Jake" he says. Jake sighs of relief.

"That's good- not that she's single but" he says really fast.

"We get it Jake. I've known these people for 2 minutes and I can already tell you like Derek's sister" Payton says.

"Yeah. He does. BIG time" I say. We all sit down on the couch while I go get a picture from my room of me, Jake, Mia, Derek, and James. I'm on James' back, Derek has the bunny ears over my head, and Jake is holding Mia bridal style. I run back downstairs, holding the picture. I set it down on the coffee table.

"What's this?" Josh asks.

"I know! I know! Pick me! Pick me!" James said. I laugh at his childishness.

"James? What is it?" I say.

"It was a picture that we took at Mia's 13th birthday party. Brianna is on my back with Derek putting the bunny ears up behind Bri. Bri pushed him into our pool after that" we all laugh. "And Jake is holding Mia bridal style. You can see here that he's falling in love with her" James finished. Jake turned red.

"Yup. And by the way, I'm still pissed at you for pushing me into the pool" Derek says, fake pouting.

"Yeah yeah shut it" I say. Josh laughs. We watch a movie before James and Derek leave. We give them one final hug before they leave. Josh goes back home so that he can ask his mom if they can stay over. She said yes so he brought back over clothes for him and Andrew. He handed Andrew his clothes. We hang out a little bit before getting tired. Payton had went home when Josh went home to ask to stay over. We had decided that Andrew will sleep in my room and Josh in Jake's room. Jake has a couch in his room so they can both sleep on a bed or the couch. I just have my bed. It's a full so Andrew and I both fit on it. We lay down and watch Netflix for a little bit. He falls asleep first. He starts turning a lot in his sleep and freaking out. He starts saying things.

"Bri. No. Brianna! Bri" he starts crying. "Brianna. No. Don't die. Please. Stay with me. Brianna" more crying. At this point, I'm trying to wake him up. "Brianna" he said quietly. "I loved her you jerk!" He says. "It wasn't because her brother was my best friend. It was because of her smile, he laugh. Everything. You killed her. You jerk" it looks from my perspective that he's punching someone. I just try not to laugh. Wait.. rewind. He loves me?! Since when? He still hasn't woken up. I result to my last option. I sleep his cheek. There it worked!

"Ow! What was that for?" He asks.

"So I can do this" I kissed him. He pulled away. Wait. Did I just do that?

"YES! FINALLY!" I heard Jake yell. I look at my door and see Jake and Josh standing there. I throw a pillow at them.

"Leave. Now!" I say. They leave and I shut (and lock) my door. I turn to Andrew, who's smiling. I walk back to where he was and lay down next to him.

"Night Bri"

"Night Ands" I say and fall asleep

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