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Authors note: If it wasn't already assumed, this story is set in a later era of time, just wanted that to be specifie, 1950's......

    "The witch must be burned at the stake for the sins she has brought upon us."

    "Let me go!" Stevie struggled against the ropes that held her tightly to the wooden pillar, struggling as she starred into the sea  of cold faces in front of her. "Untie me!"

    "Silence!" He commanded her, despite the power he had in this situation, he was still weary, rubbing the rosemary beads in his left hand anxiously, clinging onto the Bible in his right. "You are nothing but evil, festering in this town until you cast your retched spells upon all of us!"

    Tears streamed down her face, still desperately trying to get out of the ropes she was bound in, starring out at the people in front of her, their torches flickering in her eyes. She tried to breathe, not being able to get her breath past her throat as she began to panic.

    "We must rid this evil to cleanse ourselves of the horrendous entities this woman has brought into our town, into our homes. She has touched our children, she has touched our land, we have been tainted by her foul spirit, and for that she must be punished!"

    She listened to the townspeople cheer in agreement. Still struggling against her bonds, she shook her head backed and forth, looking up at the sky as she prayed.

    "What do you have to say for yourself mistress of Satan?" The man turned towards her, Stevie glaring at him with hatred in her eyes.

     The crowd gasped when Stevie spit in his face, the pastor clenching his eyes shut, wiping the fluid off his face as he glared at her. "You will burn in hell for eternity, you will pay for the lives you have cursed and you will live in the evil that resides inside of you."

      Her heart raced as she watched the pastor step away, grabbing a pitch torch as well as he joined the crowd circling her. "Let us be cleansed of this evil spirit and may God bless us with our offering."

   She tugged as hard as she could at the ropes, tears pouring down her face as she watched them all set down their torches, the hay surrounding her starting to light up in flames.

    The fire grew closer, Stevie gasping for air as smoke surround her, filling her lounges and making her cough. She felt the flames licking at her skin, backing up against the wooden pillar to escape the fire as much as she could.

    The crowd was blurry in front of her, the heat causing her vision to shimmer in waves, crying out in pain as it grew unbearably hot.

    It was inches away from reaching her, still trying to escape when she heard his voice, looking up with hope in her eyes.


    She heard him, she was lightheaded but she'd definitely heard him. "Mick!" She managed to weakly yell out, just barely able to make him out of the crowd.

     She faintly watched as Mick pushed through the towns people, shoving the head pastor away as he tried to stop him. "Mick help!" She was sobbing, the flames growing closer and closer by the second.

     Somehow managing to get past the flames, he reached her, pulling a knife from his pocket as he cut through the ropes that held her, Stevie falling limply and he caught her. He hoisted her in his arms, stomping out the flames as he made a path to exit. He shoved through the crowd, getting away from the smoke as he lowered her onto the grass, seeing she'd fainted and wanting to give her fresh air.

    He made sure she was still breathing, rage pulsing throughout him as he whipped around, storming towards the pastor.

    The man didn't know what hit him, all of a sudden on the ground as Mick held him down, a hand around his throat stopping his breath from flowing.

    Mick pulled up the knife, laying it against the side of the man's face as he leaned in, hissing into his ear. "If you ever touch her again I'll make you the next exhibit in my show as a headless man."

       The man struggled against Mick's grip, starring up at him with hatred in his eyes. "God will smite you for your sins, as we will all be living in serenity while you're living in hell."

    "Fuck your serenity." Mick spat in the man's face, shoving him away as he hurried back to Stevie. He lifted her limp body in her arms, carrying her off to somewhere safe.


     Stevie snapped out of her memory, her eyes leaving the fire in front of her that had kept her tranced for she didn't know how long. "Yes?"

    "Are you alright love?"

"I'm fine." She forced a smile towards Mick. She pulled herself from her seat, making her way around the fire to join him, laying her head on his shoulder. "Thank you."

"For what love?" He wrapped an arm around her shoulder, noticing her gaze on the fire and having a somewhat idea to what her gratitude was towards.

"For saving me."

"I'd have nothing to live for with out you my queen, you're the one who saved me."

She lifted her head, starring at him as they looked at each other for a silent moment. "Do you think we'll have to do this for the rest of our lives?"

"Do what? The show?"

Stevie shrugged. "Constantly moving from town to town, having no place to call home."

"This," he gestured towards the tents and lights and front of them. "This is our home Stevie. Nobody will accept us like we do each other. Why would you want to live in a world of judgment and hatred?

"I just wonder sometimes."

He frowned. "Are you not happy?"

Stevie gently clenched his jaw between her fingers, shaking her head. "Mick Fleetwood with you by my side I am the happiest woman alive."

"Good. What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing." She lied, laying her head on his shoulder. She couldn't let her doubts worry his mind. She couldn't have him worked up over something that she wasn't sure over. But she couldn't shake the numbing thought that the vision was precise, but it was vague. She didn't know if it was the same moment from her past, or a repeat into the future.

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