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    The sun creeped in through the blinds, Mick rubbing his sleepy eyes as he slowly started to awake.

   He sat up on his elbows, glancing at Stevie sleeping peacefully next to him.

     Laying back down, he shifted to his side, running his fingers up and down her bare back, stopping at the sheet that covered her backside.  "Stevie..." He whispered soft and low in her ear.

    She only moaned, burying  her head further into the pillow.

     "It's morning my love, the suns out."

   Stevie only sighed, lifting her head to look up at him through a mess of curls. "How long until we have to get up?"

   "'Not very long, we've got to get the tents set up for tonight's show."

   She nodded in understanding, rolling onto her side and exposing her bare chest.

   Mick grinned, his hand reaching up to brush her hair away from her face, leaning over to press a kiss against her neck.

    She sighed in content, Mick moving further down her neck, nipping her collar bone.

   She giggled, her hands coming up and drawing light patterns across his bareback with her fingertips. "I thought we had to get up?"

   "We have a few minutes."

    Stevie grinned, biting down on her bottom lip as she felt his hand sliding underneath the sheets, cupping her most intimate area.

    In one quick movement she sat up, using her own weight to push him onto his back, straddling him.

   Mick looked up at her startled, his hands gripping her hips.

   "We better be quick." She leaned down to kiss him, searching for his stiff member blindly, positioning it against her opening. She sat up as she slid down on him, a moan coming from both lovers as they paused, soaking in the moment.

      Biting down on her lower lip, she pressed her palms into his chest, slowly moving up and down and he groaned.

   It didn't take long to work up a pace, Stevie lifting herself up his erection then letting all her weight drop down on him repeatedly, her breasts bouncing as their breathing rapidly increased.

     He was so close, his hands squeezing her tightly as he steadied her and his head going back into the pillow as his eyes fell shut.

    A knock on the trailer door interrupted their ecstasy, Mick groaning, lifting his head to call out. "Who is it?"

     Stevie smiled down at him deviously, continuing to bounce atop of him as she watched him try to keep his composure.

   "It's Wilkes sir."

   He heard the man's voice through the door.

   "What do you want?"

    "You better come out here sir, we got trouble."

     Mick and Stevie both paused their movements, looking at each other concerned.

   She lifted herself off of him, covering herself with the sheet as Mick climbed out of bed, slipping on his pants and finding a shirt to throw over his head.

   "I'll go take care of this." He leaned over to Stevie, who had the sheets clutched to her chest, her hair tangled. Pressing a soft kiss to her lips, she watched in concern as he headed for the door.

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