Take Me Away

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   "Are you ready?"

   Stevie glanced around her trailer, grasping the cloth bag in her hands tightly. She looked back to Lindsey, nodding her head. "Yeah."

   "You have everything you need?"

   She nodded once more, taking a deep breath. "Yes, Lindsey let's leave."

   Lindsey opened the door, helping her down the steps and shutting it behind them. He made sure the coast was clear before grabbing her hand. They started walking, Stevie's eyes clenching shut in concentration.

"Which way are we going Angel?" His lips brushed against her ear, his hand on the small of her back as he kept an eye out.

"This way." She steered him towards an alcove in the forest, constantly glancing over her shoulder.

    Lindsey glanced over at her, fear filling his head. "Stevie is this smart of us?"

   "No, it's stupidly insane. But we have no other option Lindsey."

   "Mick is gone, we could easily go back and continue our days there."

   "No." Stevie firmly shook her head. "I will not live in his memory. I will not raise my child in a place where I'll be haunted every moment of what he did to me."

He nodded in understanding. Not saying a word, he kissed her and took her hand, starting their journey.

It had gone dark out, Stevie thanking the stars it was a full moon tonight. At least they would have a bit of light to help them travel. They walked hand in hand, for god only knows how long.

   She was starting to feel queasy, relief filling her seeing a small river up ahead.  She tugged on his jacket, stopping him.

     "Lindsey I need to rest for a little bit."

   He nodded in understanding, helping her towards the water. Sinking down on the grass, he pulled her with him. She slipped her shoes off, sticking her feet in the water.

   Lindsey watched her, his hand soothing up and down her back. He knew she was still feeling nauseous, and the journey they were embarking on couldn't be doing her body any good.

      Stevie leaned back, letting out a heavy sigh. "Lindsey where are we going to go?"


   Her eyes widened, looking at him stunned. "Lindsey we can't get there by foot!"

     He didn't say a word, reaching in to his back pocket and pulling out two passes. "I bought us tickets for the train, all we have to do is be at the station by tomorrow morning. We have to get going soon so we don't miss it."

  "Wait!" She had so many questions, confusion swirling in her head. "Where are we going to go once we get there?"

"I have an aunt who lives there. I phoned her and told her everything, she said we could stay with her."

"Lindsey I don't want to be an imposition on anyone."

"She's not like the rest of my family Stevie, she understands."

Her teeth sank in to her bottom lip, contemplating. "I need to rest for just a little bit. The baby's distressed and I can't go on much longer. We've been walking for hours."

Lindsey nodded, his hand soothing across her stomach. "Rest angel, I'll keep watch."

Stevie nodded. He took of his jacket, covering her with it then lay down in the grass. Pulling her with him, she nestled her head in the crook of his neck. Lindsey held her tight, listening to her breathing even out. His fingers ran through her hair, taking a deep breath.

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