
17 1 0

I faltered when you were around, did you see it?

You probably didn't, but when confronted, you'd rather not admit.  

I've waited for you to long for me.

All my thoughts scampered around chaotically.

I acted a part trying to occupy your focus.

I pretended to change for the better, did you notice?

The louder I became, the less you heard.

It wasn't good feelings that this lack of attention stirred.

They were ones I battled with everyday.

Being abandoned when all I wanted was for you to stay.

Would that have been so hard?

To just stop for a second and listen? Instead all you did was leave me scarred.

You tore me apart. Do you understand?

You keep ripping my heart to pieces and I'm not sure how much more I can withstand.

If you want me to last,

then you'd better see me, and do it fast. 

I will not last much longer.

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